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Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Group 9

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True Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus results from autoimmune destruction of? (Adams, 2008)
Blood glucose Insulin human analog with prolonged duration of action? (Adams, 2008)
Insulin pump Contains approximately one million clusters of alpha and beta cells that produce pancreatic hormones. (Marieb, 2007)
insulin-dependent Islets of Langerhans cells that secrete insulin? (Adams, 2008)
formula Phenytoin, NSAIDS, and diuretics are drugs that produce what type of effects (Adams, 2008)?
insulin Common route of insulin administration? (Adams, 2008)
Short Alpha and beta cells produce two hormones that have what type of relationship?(Marieb, 2007)
forty What should you monitor before each meal and before insulin administration? (Adams, 2008)
Ketoacidosis True or False. Sometimes regular insulin can be given by IV. (Adams, 2008)
Beta Oral hypoglycemics-biguanides may also be used to treat _____. (Adams, 2008)
HYPOGLYCEMIC Alcohol, lithium, ACE inhibitors, and beta-adrenergic blockers are drugs that produce _________________ effects. (Adams, 2008)
subcutaneous Diabetes is leading cause of _____-_____ _____ disease. (Adams, 2008)
Exubera The nurse should ________the patient's insulin dose in response to increased caloric intake, infection, stress, growth spurts, and the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (Wissmann, 2008)
Humalog What type of Insulin peaks between 6 and 20 hours (Adams, 2008)
Blindness An insulin delivery device that is anchored to the abdomen and programmed to release small subcutaneous doses of insulin into the abdomen at predetermined intervals, with boluses at mealtime administered manually if necessary? (Adams, 2008)
Medic alert ___________________corticosteroids, thyroid and growth hormones are hyperglycemic hormones. (Adams, 2008)
Refrigerator A blood glucose level that is over 126 is an indication of _______________. (Adams, 2008)
ANTAGONISTIC How many classes of oral hypoglycemic medications are there? (Adams, 2008)
Five Antagonist to insulin? (Adams, 2008)
EPINEPHRINE Type 1 Diabetes is known as? (Adams, 2008)
Thirty The fundamental principle of insulin therapy is that the right amount of __________ must be available to cells when glucose is availabe in the blood. (Adams, 2008)
Glucagon What kind of disease is DM? (Adams, 2008)
pancreatic beta cells When mixing short-acting insulin with longer-acting insulin, draw the _____ acting insulin up into syringe first. (Adams, 2008)
NPH What type of Insulin peaks between 2 and 4 hours? (Adams, 2008)
Somogyi Phenomenon Rapid decrease of blood glucose during the night? (Adams, 2008)
Increase This effect of insulin causes glucose to leave the blood and serum glucose to fall? (Adams, 2008)
End-stage renal What is one of the most frequently prescribed types of insulin? (Adams, 2008)
Lipohypertrophy This may occur if a patient does not rotate insulin injection sites ________. (Adams, 2008)
metabolic Inhaled form of insulin? (Adams, 2008)
Hyperglycemia A child born to a mother diagnosed with GDM has a _____ percent chance of being obese. (Adams, 2008)
Endocrine Contraindications of insulin include sensitivity to ingredients in the ___________ of the insulin its self. (Adams, 2008)
HYPERGLYCEMIC Where should you keep your insulin when not using it? (Adams, 2008)
short acting When a DM1 patient administers their insulin correctly but skips a meal what is not available?(Adams,2008)
Sugar Insulin human analog with rapid onset of action? (Adams, 2008)
Lantus You should always carry a source of __________ incase of hypoglycemic reactions. (Adams, 2008)
Hypoglycemic Effect Diabetes is leading cause of _____ in adults. (Adams, 2008)
hypoglycemia What is produced as waste products in persons with DM that also causes a fruity breath odor? (Adams, 2008)
long acting Primary adverse effect of insulin? (Adams, 2008)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ______________ ______________ bracelets help emergency personnel identify someone as having DM. (Adams, 2008)
ISLETS OF LANGERHANS The pancreas is a gland from what body system? (Marieb, 2007)
glucose How long before the first meal of the day should NPH be administered? (Adams, 2008)

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