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september inservice


focus charting, adl's, influenza

DURINGEVERYBATH True/False: Oral care still needs to be completed even if the resident's dentures have been thoroughly cleaned
FALSE Test used to determine if a person indeed has the influenza virus as opposed to the common cold
OBSERVATION Keeps mouth and teeth clean and without odors. Prevents gum disease and bad breath
OCTOBERNOVEMBER Dirty fingernails can do this
NOTANOPTION True/False: You can copy focus charting week-to-week
NINETY Frequency of pain assessments
EVERYTHREEMONTHS Influenza virus can sometimes lead to this
INFLUENZAVACCINE True/False: Behaviors must be documented in the focus charting
ATGREATERRISKOFFLU During showers look at the resident, being sure to check skin condition
EVERYSHIFT Nurse's notes, ADL's, voiding diary, BM sheets need to match
TRUE Frequency of psychotropic med evals
WEEKLY Frequency of focus charting
EVERYSHIFT Government organizations requiring nursing homes to offer influenza and pneumococcal vaccines to all residents
TRUE Viral infection effecting the nose, throat and lungs
FLUSYMPTOMS Frequency of AIMS tests
GLOVES When flu vaccines are available (before the flu season begins)
PNEUMONIA Those >65 years old and/or live in an ECF/LTC, healthcare workers, those with longterm health issues
PANDEMIC True/False: Cathy charts all open areas so nurses don't need to document on them
ORALCARE Frequency influenza vaccines are offered
ANNUALLY Fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness
INFLUENZA Can scratch and injury a resident
REDUCESMORTALITYRATES Frequency of Braden Scales
TRUE True/False: It is necessary to keep female residents' faces clean shaven if they grow facial hair
INTOYOURSLEEVEORSHOULDER Frequency of Fall Risk Assessments
EVERYTHREEMONTHS The BEST place to sneeze or cough into? It is NOT into your hands!
MONTHLY Frequency of documenting on a resident with continuous IV's
MEDICAREMEDICAID A shot that can help protect you from some strains of the flu virus
STANDARDPRECAUTIONS Frequency of charting on a new admit
SHARINGSHAVINGSUPPLIES Keeping the resident harm free
SPREADINFECTION It is necessary to thoroughly clean the feet and toes of residents even if they are bedfast and have boots on
RESIDENTORFAMILYREFUSAL One reason why a resident would not be vaccinated against influenza or pneumonia
FALSE Immunization of healthcare workers effects residents of ECF's in this way
SAFETY The singlemost important method in preventing the spread of the flu virus
PRIVACY Behavior logs, BM sheets, ADL grids, voiding diary
TRUE Frequency of medicare charting
TRUE The percent of healthcare workers that were vaccinated against influenza last year
VIRALCULTURE Key element of improving the prevention of influenza and pneumonia and their complications
EVERYSIXMONTHS The target percent that the CDC has proposed ECF's to attain in innoculating residents against influenza and pneumonia
JAGGEDNAILS Providing this maintains an individual's dignity
FALSE Precautions to take when providing personal care
BID Can cross-contaminate thereby spreading infection and disease
EVERYSIXMONTHS Global disease outbreak that occurs when a new influenza virus emerges for which people have little or no immunity, and for which there is no vaccine
THIRTYSIX Wear these while shaving a resident because contact with blood is possible
HANDWASHING Frequency of checking for the need of and completing fingernail and toenail care
MEDICALLYCONTRAINDICATED Be sure to trim toenails of residents when needed, even if they are diabetic
TRUE One reason why a resident would not be vaccinated against influenza or pneumonia
IMPROVINGIMMUNIZATION True/False: If you didn't document it, it didn't happen or it wasn't done.

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