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Prenatal Terminology

Brenda Tanner

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presumptive inner fetal membrane of amniotic sac
primipara yes eggs and milk
chorion eating nonfoods
Ductus venosus fertilized egg
antepartum cause birth defects
probable never been pregnant
nulligravida more than one pregnancy
LMP never given birth to viable fetus
amnion loss of pregnancy after 20 weeks
teratogens exact replica
LH another term for EDD
blastocyst dark line of pigmentation on abdomin
linea nigra 1/3 of pregnancy
goodells sign Missing phrase2 - 5
ampulla delivery of first viable child
stillbirth onset of labor until expulsion of placenta
mitosis more than one viable delivery
multigravida 9 weeks gestation until birth
pica bypasses pulmonary artery
mucus plug where fertilization takes place
Chadwicks sign softening of the cervix
lightening determines fetal lung maturity
foramen ovale positive pregnancy test, enlargement of abdomen, Braxton Hick's contractions
nullipara Loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks
Rhogam rule used to detrmine EDC
corpus luteum used to determine fetal position
embryonic estimated date of delivery
multipara a chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
trimester outer fetal membrane of amniotic sac
primigravida lining of uterus after implantation
fetus pregnancy that implants outside of uterus
autosome time between conception and onset of labor
GTPAL discoloration of face-facial.....
HPL no meat, no eggs, yes diary
nagele last menstrual period
EDD human placental lactogen
zygote pregnant for first time
Abortion produces estrogen and progesterone for first 12 weeks of pregnancy
couvade first occurs between 16 and 20 weeks
decidua opening between atria
ectopic fetal heartbeat, fetal movement by practioner, visualization of fetus on US
chloasma cell division that shares
quickening amenorrhea, morning sickness, quickening
ductus arteriosus lutenizing hormone
EDC 16 cells
lactovegetarian human chorinic gonadotropin
morula fetus drops into pelvis
meiosis blocks cervical opening
positive given around 28 weeks if Rh-
leopolds pregnancy history
LS ratio 2 to 8 weeks gestation
HCG bypasses liver
intrapartum father's taking on of symptoms of pregnancy
lactoovovegetarians bluish purple color of cervix

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