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Oxygen Needs

Iesha Tillman

No description

Respiratoryarrest The process of withdrawing or sucking up fluid.
Tachypnea When recording the oxygen concentration, what does S stand for?
Pnea The tube does not come out.
Saturation Inserting an artificial airway.
Respiratorydepression O2 is piped into each person
Oxygenconcentration A sensitivity to a substance that causes the body to react with signs and symptoms.
Pollutant Using a machine to move air into and out of the lungs.
Biotsrespirations The prongs are inserted into the nostrils.
Nasalcannula Air in the pleural space.
Allergy A scope is passed into the trachea and bronchi.
Hemothorax A harmful chemical or substance in the air or water.
Hemoptysis Rapid breathing; respirations are 24 or more per minute.
Dyspnea The escape and collection of fluid in the pleural space.
Spirometer Difficult, labored, or painful breathing.
Sputum Respirations are rapid and deeper than normal.
Orthopnea What means breathing?
Hypoxemia The lack or absene of breathing.
Flowrate A machine that measures the amount of volume of air inhaled.
Intubation Very deep and rapid respirations.
Pleuraleffusion When breathing stops.
Mechanicalventilation Breathing deeply and comfortably only when sitting.
Cheynestokesrespirations Precise amounts of oxygen are given.
Hypoventilation What has a round end?
Extubation The amount of hemoglobin containing oxygen.
Orthopneicposition Bloody sputum.
Atelectasis Sitting up and leaning over a table to breath.
Oxygen Mucus from the respiratory system.
Pneumothorax Cells do not have enough oxygen.
Walloutlet Respirations are slow, shallow, and sometimes irregular.
Bronchoscopy What does O2 stand for?
Hypoxia The most or the greatest.
Lungscan Rapid and deep respirations followed by 10 to 30 seconds of apnea.
Hyperventilation Blood in the plueral space.
Maximal A reduced amount of oxygen in the blood.
Kussmaulrespirations The collapse of a portion of the lung.
Inspiration The amiunt of oxygen given.
Venturimask The lungs are scanned to see what areas are not getting air or blood.
Obturator Respirations gradually increase in rate and depth and then become shallow and slow.
Suction Relates to breathing in.
Apnea Slow, weak respirations at a rate fewer then 12 per minute.

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