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Nursing Research Polit and Beck book

Bethany Peattie

Master's level Nursing Research course from the Polit and Beck book published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2008

Exploratory effects of taking a pretest or knowing the results or pretest on posttest scores
History a design that is time related and occurs over time (e.g. pain relief, learning, healing)
Primary subjects respond i a certain manner because they are aware of being observed or know they are in a study
Reviewofliterature changes that occur due to subject changes during the study that can influence results
simple is an influence that produces a distortion in the study results
Dependentvariable the investigation of phenomena that lends to precise measurement and quantification
Survey a hypothesis that predicts a relationship between two variables but does not stipulate the direction
Retrospective a Nonexperimental design that studies, observes, counts, describes, and classifies phenomena
Maturation a design that collects data at more than one point in time (trends, Cohort type of trend study)
Quantitative a hypothesis states that no difference exists between two variables
Betweensubject a hypothesis states a relationship or direction exists between variables
Internalvalidity when some event besides the experimental treatment occurs during course of study and it influences the dependent variable
Prospective a Nonexperimental design that is a self report data that can be collected via phone, mail or through personal contact
Qualitative a design that randomly assigns to one of 4 groups and is the most powerful experimental design
Descriptive can be a negative or positive number that shows a relationship to be strong or weak with a cutt off at 0.7
Extraneous a hypothesis with a relationship between one independent and one dependent variable
Complex limiting extraneous variables
Bias this setting is ideal for controlling extraneous variables
Control a journal article written by the researcher themselves
Hawthorneeffect A way to conduct nonexperimental studies that start in present time and follow into the future
Laboratory the investigation of phenomena that typically is in-depth and holistic, throught the collection of rich narrative materials
Matching a journal article that explains another researcher's work
Non-directional variables that are external influences and must be held constant
Systematic The outcome variable, observed for change
Time a design that compares groups of subjects; those who receive something vs those who don't
Null a hypothesis that predicts a relationship in an expected direction "worse/better"
Withinsubject states the predicted relationship between 2 or more variables
Secondary if a researcher's characteristics or behaviors influence subjects behaviors
Randomization a bias consistent across all participant and situations
Directional ensures comparable groups sot that extraneous variables are spread evenly
Correlation observed, introduced or manipulated to determine the effect it has on another variable
Solomon4group using knowledge of subject's characteristics to form comparison groups
Research a way to conduct nonexperimental studies that "Ex pos Facto"
Experimentaleffect a hypothesis with a relationship between 2 or more independent variables, 2 or more dependent variables
Crosssectional a extensive, exhaustive and critical examination of publications relevant to the research project
QuasiExperimental a Nonexperimental design that goes beyond observing and describing and focuses on the full narture of the phenomena
Independentvariable a design that compares equal groups by manipulation of independent variables and measurement of dependents, uses statistics and stringent control
Hypotheses a design that collects data at one point in time
Testing a design where there is no comparison group or subjects are not randomly assigned to groups
TrueExperimental concerns the degree to which changes in the dependent vrariable can be attributed to the independent variable
Longitudinal a design that compares results for the same person under two different conditions or at two points in time

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