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Newborn Assessment

Seth Reinhardt

No description

normal Initiation of breathing is stimulated by the clamping of the ______________ which causes a rise in BP which increases lung perfusion
thermoregulation Wrapping of the baby in a blanket.
renal Stools while in utero.
jaundice Ophthalmia neonatorum is an inflammation of the eyes resulting from an infection when passing through the birth canal of a mother who has what STD.
sucking 37 weeks gestation is considered what?
umbilicus _________ is clearly visible when bilirubin levels reach 5 to 7 mg/dl
brown fat A newborn BP of 110/70 is indicitive of ____________.
respiratory Touching the infants lip or cheek with the nipple will elicit the ____________ reflex.
meconium Type of adipose tissue that is unique to newborns?
tachypnea The ______ score permits a rapis assessment of the need for resucitation of the neonate.
swaddling THe maintenence of balance between heat loss and heat production.
circumcision Nasal flaring, retractions and grunting when expiring are sign of _______________ distress.
bilirubin Greater than 60 respirations per minute.
term A term newborn heart rate of 120 is considered ___________.
bulb syringe The removal of the male foreskin.
habituation If the baby does not void within 48 hours of birth the doctor may suspect __________ impairment.
chlamydia A protective mechanism that allows the infants to become accustomed to environmental stimuli.
hypertension A yellow pigment derived from hemoglobin release with the breakdown of RBCs.
Caput succedaneum A ____ ________ is used to suction the baby's airway.
Apgar A generalize edematous area of the scalp most commonly found on the occiput.

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