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NC5 Crossword 1


This is a crossword puzzle for Excelsior's NC5 Exam. Some answers may contain two or three words, if this is the case the words WILL be separated by a space (meaning YOU WILL leave one box blank). Also, you may see some of the clues multiple times, this means that there is a DIFFERENT answer for each.

extrapyramidal symptoms You work in a busy walk-in clinic and go out into the crowded waiting room to take blood pressure. As you are taking blood pressure, you ask the patient, “What’s bothering you today?” Which basic rule of interviewing have you violated?
polyuria Extrapyramidal symptoms are commonly associated with what disease?
acne Imitation without any meaning attached, and motions made by others would be termed
hyperkalemia Which therapy would be most likely lead to lithium toxicity
cogentin A simple goiter is most likely caused by
Pen Vee K A slow insidious, progressive hearing loss is usually caused by
iodine deficiency Paresthesia is most often associated with which of the following conditions?
Parkinsons disease A surgical intervention that might cause a wound to heal by third intention might be
varicella Signs and Symptoms of diabetes insipidus include this
You hate them Signs and Symptoms of diabetes insipidus include this
emotional liability Cushing’s syndrome would be suspected in a patient with which symptoms?
renal calculi Cushing’s syndrome would be suspected in a patient with which symptoms?
wound dehiscence The most common side-effect of Thorazine is
frequency Increased calcium levels would be responsible for
Id Zoster immune globulin is used to stimulate an immunity to
agoraphobia Which landmark is best to use when measuring for ascites?
polydypsia The physician has ordered sulfasalazine (5-ASA) for a patient with ulcerative colitis. Which laboratory value might be affected by this medication?
Folate levels Cushing’s syndrome would be suspected in a patient with which symptoms?
polyphagia The abnormality you would most likely see in a burn patient during the hypovolemic phase is
duodenal ulcer A person who feels that his safety may be compromised and who is experiencing heart palpitations and a feeling of suffocation may have
conversion reaction Painful memories and disagreeable desires that appear as physical symptoms are the results of
headache Cushing’s syndrome would be suspected in a patient with which symptoms?
anticholinergic Your patient has epiglottis, secondary to severe influenza. Which would be most important to keep at her bedside at all times?
depression According to Freud, all psychic energy comes from the
phlebotimist Which worker is most at risk for contracting hepatitis C?
otosclerosis A patient who is on Antabuse drinks alcohol and then calls you. What symptoms would you tell her to expect?
hyperglycemia Mrs. Sammy cleans her house from top to bottom every day even though it is immaculate to start with. This is an example of
hirsutism A sudden gush of serosanginous drainage from an abdominal incision on 3rd day post op would most likely be caused by
muscle weakness Cushing’s syndrome would be suspected in a patient with which symptoms?
umbilicus A psychiatric patient on a phenothiazine-type drug (Levodopa) and develops a slow, shuffling gait. What type of drug would you expect to give to control the symptoms?
displacement As you walk into Mr. Golden’s room he declares, “I hate them!” Your best response would be
Panic attack A patient with a urinary tract infection (UTI) would most likely experience
echopraxia Prolixin is most commonly used as an
phallic The most common drug used to treat streptococcal pharngitis
tracheotomy tray Mrs. Jones continued crying throughout the entire initial nursing interview. After questioning, you found out that her husband died recently. She is most likely in which stage of grief?
antipsychotic Signs and Symptoms of diabetes insipidus include this
provision of privacy According to psychoanalytic theory, the inability to break ties with one’s mother would indicate which stage has not been successfully completed?
diuretic therapy What type of medication would be prescribed for a patient with cogwheel rigidity, with twisting of the face upward and other extrapyramidal effects?

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