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Insulin Crossword Puzzle

Read the attached article and information to solve the Insulin Crossword Puzzle.

regular A sign of hyperglycemia.
bedtime This factor decreases insulin requirements.
rub Safest time of day to administer Lantus and Levemir insulin is before _______. (Hold the Insulin)
lipohypertrophy Name one site for sub-q injections. (Ch 21)
feet You do not have to do this to the site after an insulin injection.
independent Contact this department with any questions.
regular This factor increases insulin requirements.
beta Is given to cover the body's basal metabolic needs in the absence of food. (Hold the Insulin)
milk This is the type of insulin that peaks in 4-10 hrs and lasts at least 10-16 hrs.
NovoLog 70/30 Corrective insulin is designed to be given _______ of nutritional intake. (Hold the Insulin)
juice When a long and short insulin are given at the same time, this one is drawn up first.
no Corrective insulin is also called _______. (Hold the Insulin)
surgery This is the type of insulin that peaks in 1-2 hrs and lasts at least 3-4 hrs (brand name).
NPO Do you aspirate with a sub-q injection? (Ch 21)
carbohydrates This should be assessed on a daily basis at the home and at the hospital for any cuts or infections.
meal This is the type of insulin that the onset is in 30 minutes, peaks in 7-12 hrs and lasts at least 16-24 hrs (brand name).
sliding scale insulin What kind of pancreatic cells are destroyed in Type 1 Diabetes? (Hold the Insulin)
basal insulin This insulin is considered a preprandial insulin because it takes about 30 minutes to start working. (Hold the Insulin)
shakiness The ideal time to check a capillary blood glucose level is 30 minutes before a _______. (Hold the insulin)
upper arms Eight ounces of _______ equals the appropriate grams of carbohydrates to have in an event of a hypoglycemic reaction. (Ch 21)
NPH This is the type of insulin that peaks in 2-3 hrs and lasts at least 3-6 hrs.
increases In general, hospitalized patients who are _______ and on basal insulin need half of their usual dose. (Hold the Insulin)
short A sign of hypoglycemia.
pharmacy Where is insulin absorbed the quickest? (Ch 21)
diarrhea A diabetic should carry 15 grams of _______ in an event of a hypoglycemic reaction. (Ch 21)
NovoLog What the body breaks down when glucose is not available for cell energy.
polyuria Illness usually _______ (increases or decreases) the blood glucose.
abdomen Rotating sites helps prevent the formation of _______. (Ch 21)
fat Four ounces of _______ equals the appropriate grams of carbohydrates to have in an event of a hypoglycemic reaction. (Ch 21)

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