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Employing Interdependence

Brittany,Robin, Boomy

No description

OPB Creators use I-messages to express what?
Responsibility Understanding what the other person is thinking or feeling
Placating Ineffective communication
Assertiveness Leveling requires a strong inner guide and commitment to what?
Interdependence Emotional pr psychological reliance on a partner
Active Boldly putting forth opinions and requests
Empathy To give and receive help
Creators Moving from independence to interdependence
Codependency Saying;"__" is a tool of an assertive Creator
Honesty Not being able to achieve things on your own
No Important people to choose when making a group
Blaming Ingredient of success
Dependance Type of listening that strengthens a relationships
Maturity A response to positively address an issue, nurture a relationship of equals or demonstrate a high self-esteem
Leveling Placing yourself above others

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