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Trojan War

Brett Christie

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Iphigenia Where was the sacred place of Troy?
Golden Apple Who was asked to judge the goddesses?
Helen What was used to create the dispute among the goddesses?
A Thousand What was the name of the most famous city in the Mediterranean?
Pergamos What was the name of the Greek Soothsayer?
Greece How many years did the war last?
Three Who was the fairest women in all the world?
Calchas Where was the fairest woman stolen from?
Crete Where did Protesilaus fall to a Trojan spear? "The Mouth of the ________"
Agememnon What was the number of goddesses in dispute because of the goddess of discord?
Andromache Where on Hector's body was he struck down by a spear?
Eris What was the name of the shrewdest and most sensible man in Greece?
Throat Who was the goddess of discord?
Briseis Where did Protesilaus wife, Laodamia, go?
Hades What was the name of the most famous city in the Mediterranean?
Simois Who was the father of the sacrificed maiden?
Odysseus Where was the place of strong winds and dangerous tides?
Nine How many ships carried the Greek Army?
Paris Who was the bravest man's wife?
Troy Where did the thief live?
Thetis What was the name of Achilles' mother?
Iliad Who was the bravest and most noble man anyhere?
Aulis Who was sacrificed to ensure a safe voyage to Troy?
Hector Who's death made made Achilles angry enough to return to battle?
Patroclus What was the name of the girl that Agememnon stole from Achilles?

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