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The Sea of Monsters

Parsa Shani

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Polyphemus Luke is son of __________.
Circe God that is punished by Zeus to serve on Earth at camp Half-blood for 100 years.
Chiron __________ is helping the titan lord arise.
Annabeth Percy defeated a __________ upon entering camp Half-blood.
Athena The Sea of Monsters is based on Greek __________.
Pan Neptune is called __________ in Greek.
Minitoar Jupiter in Greek.
Mythology One eye.
Matt Zeus' daughter that was turned into a tree.
Percy Percy's satyr friend.
Tyson The main character's real name.
Hippocampus Daughter of the godess of wisdom.
Hydra The golden _______ brought Thalia back to life and healed Annabeth' s broken ribs.
Greek The 7 headed beast.
Hermes __________ is the cyclops who had the golden fleece.
Thalia For years, satyrs have been looking for _______.
Riptide The ________ that is in the bighouse attic tells prophecies.
Perseus Cyclops claimed by Poseidon.
Tantalus The name of Percy's sword/pen.
Fleece Cheap temporary replacement for Chiron.
Grover The powerful sorcerer known as __________.
Cyclops Centaur camp Half-blood director.
Poseidon Brave daughter of Ares, and Percy's rival.
Olympus Son of Sally Jackson.
Luke Annabeth loves to read _______.
Dionysus Has a daughter called Annabeth.
Zeus Tyson's favorite animal that he named rainbow.
Clarice __________ Sloan is the bully in Percy's school.
Kronos Mount __________, located above the Empire state building.
Oracle The lord of the titans.

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