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Olympian Gods

Mr. Cornelius

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bridle There are __________ Olympians.
Apollo Hades is the lord of the __________.
Poseidon Hera and Zeus' son
hearth Zeus' wife and sister is __________.
Maia god of the sky
Hephaestus Artemis' twin brother
agriculture Zeus is married to _________.
zeus Hephaestus' wife
mother Zeus' father
Hephaestus _______ is the blacksmith to the gods.
Aphrodite Zeus' brother
Demeter Apollo is famous for his oracle at ________.
volcano Zeus' weapon
Poseidon Apollo is the god of music and plays a _______ lyre.
Artemis _____ is the son of Zeus and Hera.
underworld The first ancient reference of religious ceremonies for the Olympians is found in the ______ Hymn to Hermes.
pantheon ________ is the goddess of love, desire and beauty
Delphi Hestia is the goddess of the _________.
queen The messenger of the gods
invisible 12 Greek Gods
Homeric Hera's husband is _____________.
golden "a temple of all gods"
twelve She was goddess of chastity, virginity, and the hunt.
war Athena invented the ______, which allowed man to tame horses.
Hera Hermes wears __________ sandals.
Aphrodite Apollo is the god of healing and he taught man ____________.
trident Zeus' sister
Titans To impress _________ Poseidon created the first horse.
Hades The son of Zeus and Leto is _________.
cronus Zeus' favorite daughter was __________.
Apollo Demeter is the goddess of fertility, _______ , nature, and the seasons.
Ares Athena, one of Zeus' daughters, has no _______.
Hephaestus Hades has a helmet that makes him _________.
medicine The Olympians live on _________.
Hestia Zeus' other brother
Athena Amphitrite's husband
Hera Hephaestus uses a __________ as his forge
sea Hermes is the son of Zeus and ___________.
olympians Athena is the _____ of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons.
Hermes Poseidon is the god of the ___________.
mountolympus Hera is the _____________ of the gods.
sandals The Olympians gained their control in the world of gods after Zeus led his siblings to victory in war with the ______.
goddess Ares is the god of ___________.

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