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The Odyssey/Greek Gods and Goddesses


Use your notes and the book for help. Pgs. 640-712

Penelope took advantage of Penelope's hospitality
head "A man is nothing without the -----"
Perseus One of Chaos' kids
bow Childlike god
Circe the god of the sea
Icarus The challenge was to string Odysseus' -----
sheep Jealous wife
Medusa Before Odysseus got lost
suitors Waiting for Odysseus at home
Scylla Hera was Zeus' wife and -----
Artemis Son who helped Odysseus
Pride Athena came out of Zeus' -----
Calypso of the Sun
fates whirlpool monster on the strait
wine What Odysseus said his name was
Gods how long Odysseus was gone
hermes Killed the Gorgon
Homer The Cyclops
eros Athena's bloodthirsty brother
goat Turned his men into animals
Polyphemus The Gorgon's name
men Odysseus used these to escape the cyclops
kingalcinous Hades is in charge of this
Hermes Odysseus' story
Nohbdy of the Moon
Charybdis Mythology explains the natural using the -----
Atlas Told the two stories
Odyssey Many headed monster on the strait
underworld Odysseus' guide
Telemachus The gods' messenger
Horse Cronus and Rhea were a part of this
Ares How they tricked the Trojans into opening their gate
titans Told Calypso she had to let Odysseus go
supernatural Odysseus' home
Erebus They spin and cut the thread
Zeus Odysseus lost all of these
Poseidon Daedalus' son
Apollo ruled Phaeacia
Ithaca Dionysus was the god of -----
twenty The minotaur was half man and half -----
sister held the Heavens on his shoulders
Hera Wouldn't let Odysseus leave her island
bull Leader of the Olympians
beggar Odysseus' main weakness
Iliad Athena changed Odysseus' appearance to look like this
Athena Odysseus had to sacrifice this in order to talk to Teiresias

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