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Native American Mythology

Kim Kuck

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Kachinas god or goddess
spiritual this kind of myth talks about how the world was created
Inuits Tribe of Southwest Indians who were not cliff dwellers
Americans ceremony that follows a set pattern
trickster These kinds of ________forces can be sensed through the natural world
living Native American mythologies are _________ based
mythage mythical figure who gives people the tools of civilization, such as language and fire
personification Animals can _________ and be gods in Native American mythologies
GreatSpirit A common type of Native American trickster (can be seen in Looney Tunes)
deity The people who live where the buffalo roam are this type of Indian
Raven from the earliest times
Hopi The people of the Subartic region of inland Alaska are called this
clan The indigenous people of North America
Coyote presenting in human form or wtih human qualities
Europeans This tribe believed a woman fell from the sky and was kept afloat at first by a fish hawk
turtle A common type of Native American trickster (reproduces easily)
creator According to tradition, this time period came before people and animals became fixed in their present forms
lost Tribe of Southwest Indians who were cliff dwellers
NativeAmerican Ancient migrations of people crossed this sea when it froze
talk This tribe believed a woman fell from the sky and had 2 divine sons that were to prepare the earth so taht humans could live on it
Plains Tribe of Southwest Indians who were cliff dwellers
Rabbit A female creator deity
Navajo Native American myths and legends remain a _______spiritual foundation for Native Americans who pracitce their traditional religions
oraltradition A __________ fell from the sky and landed in the primeval sea
nature group of people descended from a common ancestor or united by a common interest
creation Bt the 1820s and forward, many Indian societies had already been disrupted and some of the ancient traditions__________
Shoshone Spirits of the dead who link the human and spiritual worlds
Pueblo Indian tribe that says long ago Wolf and Coyote got into an argument
totempole The _______ gods and heroes usually establish or restore order
woman It wasn't until the 1820s that ___________ started to collect and record Indian myths
ritual It wasn't until the 1820s that ___________ started to collect and record Indian myths
Bering A common type of Native American trickster (Odin has 2)
Zuni Many Native American mythologies have a high deity referred to as the_________
SpiderWoman Tribe of Southwest Indians who were cliff dwellers
Iroquois This animal has dirt thrown on its back to create land
primeval Myths and legends that are passed from generation to generation in oral form
bear mischievous figure appreaing in various forms in the folktales and mythology of many different peoples
culturehero An animal pole used to present stories by Native Americans
Huron This animal is regarded as a close relative of Native American people

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