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Mythology Crossword Puzzle

Peter Constantine

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Kronos Maze built by Daedalus
Labyrinth Two rocks which squashed any ship that passed in between them
Achilles Heel Named after their ship, the Argo
Circe He who stretches
Chaos Tried to turn Odysseus and his men into pigs
Persephone The weapon that Kronos used to overthrow his father
Symplegades The Wild God
Echidna Drink of the Gods
Atlas Queen of the Underworld
Pegasus Was chained to a rock
Nemean Lion Mother of Monsters
Hestia Father of Monsters; almost overthrew the Olympians
Scythe Goddess of the Hearth; gave up her seat of the Big Twelve for Dionysus
Cyclops All three of the sisters shared one eye
Nectar King of the Titans
Typhon A plant that when eaten, makes the user fall into a deep sleep
Prometheus Food of the Gods
Procrustes A lion whose skin is impenetrable
Argonauts Monsters that have one eye
Lotus Hercules's sword
Pan Has to hold the weight of the sky
Ambrosia Blood of the Gods
Gray Sisters The force that the Titans were born from
Golden Ichor A weak point on Achilles, where he was killed with an arrow
Anaklusmos The original winged horse

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