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Greek Mythology

Ms. Mills

Greek Mythology - Olympians and Trojan war

Tartarus god of war
Cerberus one eyed monsters, siblings of the Titans
Zeus Clever hero of the Trojan war, he had a hard time getting home
Hercules goddess of love
Cyclopes Messenger god, also god of thieves, dreams and healing
Paris Titan who's punishment was to hold up the sky
Ajax Hades three-headed dog that guarded the underworld
Hermes "The Firebringer", made and helped humans, but offended Zeus - he was chained to a rock and his liver was eaten daily by an eagle
Prometheus goddes of the hunt
Gaea the greatest warrior of the Trojan War, he had a bad ankle
Aphrodite King of the Titans, father of the Olympians - maimed his father to take power
Achilles the godly children of the Titans (the main Greek gods)
Horse Deepest part of the earth/underworld, where the Titans were imprisoned by Uranus
Menelaus goddess of agriculture (farming)
Athena god of the forge, crippled son of Zeus
Demeter Greek poet who wrote The Illiad and The Odyssey
Hephaestus Greek King who was married to Helen, he demanded the Greeks make war on Troy
MountOlympus goddess of Wisdom
Apollo Greek Hero of the Trojan war - Known for great strength, but not for brains - he fell on his own sword
Hera Sky - the father of the Titans
Cronus sun god, and god of music
Hector King of the Olympian gods, weilded a thunderbolt
Uranus The jealous wife/sister of Zeus, queen of the Olympians
Odysseus one of the Titans, Mother of the Olympians
Furies Greek hero, son of Zeus who is the hero of a Disney movie
Artemis god of the underworld
Atlas Prince of Troy - was the best Trojan fighter
Homer the type of animal made of wood by the Greek Army of Troy's beach
Rhea god of the seas and rivers
Poseidon Mountian home of Zeus and his siblings
Atlas Giant gods, the children of Gaea and Uranus
Hades Prince of Troy, kidnapped/seduced Helen - starting the Trojan war
Ares winged spirits of revenge born of Uranus' blood who pursued the guilty
Olympians Earth - the mother of the Titans

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