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Culture Crossword


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Druidism Theory used to give meaning to ones life
Snake Accumulated knowledge or enlightenment
Samhain To beleive, to be confident, often results in something positive
Gandhi Bonfires used to be lit on that day in Gaelic cultures to celebrate spring
Swan Complete annihilation
Internet Something used to define ones date of birth
Selassie Commonly known as the incarnation of sin
Oak Fictuous king torn between conservatism and innovation
Education Popular cult in england before conquering of the romans
Trust In many countries, this is an obligatory part of a child's life
Wisdom Festival of death (mainly end of harvest time) in Gaelic cultures
Music Number one seller was written in this language first
Soul Often deformed in fiction books or movies, this is the result of a powerful control of the mind
Moon King of Ethiopia now seen as a messianic figure in Jamaica
Unknown Movement in Jamaica which claims the return of peace and prosperity
Game Opposite of omplexity
Rain White bird usually used in fairy tales to symbolize purity
Drugs Known worldwide for his pacific views and actions
Hebrew They are part of a phylosophically inclined culture
Computer Products of human creativity
Monogamy Activity used for amusement and sometimes used as an educational tool
Age One which its bark is used for medical preparations
Atlantis 'The Beatles' wrote a song in which they were this animal
Mayans Tool used for most jobs in modern day work
Simplicity Available to all but only reached by those who prepare themselves spiritually
Walrus One of several mating systems observed in animals, mostly in humans
Greeks Usually referred to as naive, they are more witty than we expect
Moses Celestial body that affects humans physically and mentally
Time Now for recreational use, this was once used to enlighten
Extinction Once used for research and information now is used for leisure
Reincarnation Lengendary land claimed to have been lost
Beltane Without this, we would not learn
Experience Measuring system based on the sun
Children Which is beyond comprehension
Rastafari Very respected prophet who lived over 3000 years ago
Arthur A periodically repeated sequence of events
Art Some of those who predicted the 'end of the world as we know it' in 2012
Cycle Many religions use this term to define ones personality and mind
Grail Modern and very popular form of art
Magic Despite the inconvenience, this factor is of major importance to the planet

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