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Adventures of Ulysses Part 1

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treasure The keeper of the winds
tothefairest Paris chose this goddess because she promised to give him the fairest woman in the world
Troy For 10 years, these beseiged the city of Troy with its high-built walls
Morpheus The name of Ulysses' homeland
aphrodite The name of Ulysses' son
Ithaca After Polyphemus trapped the Greeks in his cave, Ulysses gave him this to drink.
Helen This god was upset by the treasure that attracted the naiads,and he blew the ships off-course, all the way to Libya.
chariotsscythes When Ulysses woke from his lotus-drugged sleep, he realized the dangers and BLANK his men.
Ciconians Morpheus used this flower for his sleep experiments.
woodenhorse At the end of the first section of the epic only BLANK and BLANK were left of Ulysses' original crew of three ships and 150 men.
rescued What did the goddess Eris throw that started the dispute among the goddess?
Penelope After the attack by the Ciconians, the damaged boats were sinking, so the BLANK was tossed overboard, with Ulysses the first to throw his away.
Greeks Poseidon made the sailors think the bag of winds was gold by clanking these together.
twoships The homeland of Paris, the location of the Trojan War
naiads The Trojans were finally defeated because of this trick concocted by Ulysses.
gold After leaving the land of the Lotus-Eaters, the Greeks next landed on the island of the BLANK.
goats Paris kidnapped this wife of King Menelaus
oneeye This first island seemed unprotected, but the defenders had advanced technology.
goldenapple judge of the dispute among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
Polyphemus Poseidon made the sailors think Aeolus' bag of winds was actually this.
cyclops Polyphemus' BLANK was that the Greeks would have a long journey home filled with battles and that Ulysses would be a stranger in his own home.
badluck The number of scouts that Ulysses sent out when they were on Cannibal Beach
oneshipfiftymen The treasure tossed overboard attracted several BLANK.
cannibalbeach Libya was the land of this god of dreams.
paris When Ulysses climbed the tree on Cannibal Beach, he discovered it was this.
Telemachus Ulysses put out Polyphemus' eye with this.
lotus The Cyclops have only BLANK
Aeolus The inscription on the golden apple thrown by Eris, goddess of discord
bagofwinds This was the meanest of the Cyclops.
bracelets Aeolus refused to help Ulysses a second time because he realized that Ulysses was hated by the gods and woujld have BLANK.
nobody The name of Ulysses' wife
poseidon The Ciconian warriors rode in BLANK which had BLANK attached to the wheels.
sword Ulysses tricked Polyphemus by giving the Cyclops this fake name.
wine So Ulysses could return home, the god Aeolus gave him this gift.
curse After sailing 9 days and nights and with the shores of Ithaca in sight, Ulysses relaxed and took a BLANK.
three The Greeks escaped from Polyphemus' cave by hiding under the bellies of these.
giant the island of giants where time quickly passed from day to night to day.
nap After six days of sea, the Greeks put into another island where the day passed quickly. However, of his three ships, only BLANK went ashore.

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