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Orchestra Vocabulary Crossword

Tracy Stewart

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mosso perform a passage "moderately"; or not too much
loure to perform a passage with a pressing forward or acceleration of the tempo
leading tone subtle modifications of intensity, tempo, phrasing
recitative bowing the strings as close as possible to the bridge
arpeggio mute
unison perform a passage with a gradual slowing of the tempo
sul ponticello movement, motion, agitated; piu mosso means "more moved" or faster
rubato growing broader, louder, slower
rallentando instrumental ensemble consisting of members of the string family, typically violins, violas, cellos, basses
fugue in a singing style
sordino a broken chord in which the notes are sounded one after the other not simultaneously
grazioso two or more instruments or sections playing exactly the same notes
hemiola the major seventh of a scale; it lies 1/2 step below the tonic and "leads" toward the tonic
bariolage in a graceful, smooth or elegant manner
dolce a slow, dignified French dance of the 17th and 18th centuries
coda the part of a composition where the final presentatoin of the original theme is stated usually at the end
string orchestra a concluding passage at the end of a composition; "the tail"
meno note upon which a scale or key is based; the first note of a scale or key
allargando very small printed notes that indicate what other instruments are playing
non troppo theme or subject is introduced by one voice and is imitated by other voices in succession
exposition broken chord technique where the bow rapidly changes strings creating an arpeggiated effect
recapitulation an adaptation of a composition for instruments other than those for which it was orginially composed
cue notes the rythmic technique in which duplets are played against triplets in another voice; 3:2
tonic a section solo
cantabile a narrative song describing action, thought, or emotion; follows the natural flow of the vocal soloist
non troppo the part of the composition (usually the beginning) where the first statement of theme occurs
arrangement perform a passage "moderately"; or "not too much"
nuance perform in a manner following the tempo and style of the solo performer, recitative-like
stringendo sweetly, softly, with tender emotion
colla voce less
soli tastefully stretch, slow down or hurry the tempo to impart flexibility and emotion to the performance

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