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Instruments and Ensembles Crossword

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Euphonium _______ percussion instruments can play notes that you can sing.
BigBand The largest ensemble which has all four instrument families and mostly performs classical music.
JazzCombo An articulation that means to perform a note smooth and connected.
Cues A group of performers that perform together.
Woodwinds The family of instruments that includes keyboard instruments and drums.
KettleDrum (TWO WORDS) What a snare drum is called when the metal "snares" are turned off.
MezzoForte (TWO WORDS) The group that provides the beat in a jazz band. Instruments typically include the piano, bass, drums, and guitar.
Ensemble The _______ is moved to change pitch on a trombone.
StringEnsemble String instruments draw a ______ across the strings to make them vibrate.
Auxilary An articulation that means to perform a note separate or detached.
Staccato Additional percussion instruments.
Lower A large "classical" (mostly) ensemble that has woodwind, brass and percussion instruments.
Bow The Italian musical term for "medium loud".
ChamberEnsemble (TWO WORDS) A small "jazz" ensemble with a rhythm section and a "wind" soloist.
RhythmSection The musical word for speed.
Pitched The family of instruments that includes violin, viola, cello and bass.
Conductor (TWO WORDS) The most common type of chamber ensemble.
Harp The musical term for volume (clue- Listening Maps).
Violins The distance between the lowest and highest note an instrument or singer can play.
NewYorkPhilharmonic (TWO WORDS) A medium sized "jazz" ensemble with a section of trumpets, trombones, and saxophones.
Bassoon (TWO WORDS) A small "classical" ensemble.
Keys King Louis XIV's orchestra conductor who stabbed himself in the foot while conducting and later died of his injury.
Baton An ensemble that includes sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
Classical The family of instruments that includes trumpet, french horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba.
Choir The person that guides an ensemble through face and hand motions.
StringQuartet _______ percussion instruments cannot play notes that you can sing.
Orchestra (TWO WORDS) An ensemble like the orchestra, but there are no brass or woodwind instruments.
Jazz This instrument has 47 strings.
JazzBand The "stick" a conductor uses to guide an ensemble.
Strings The main genre of music that includes swing and the blues styles of music.
Saxophone (THREE WORDS) The oldest American symphony orchestra, founded in 1842.
Band A conductor uses his/her left hand to give _____ so a performer doesn't forget to play his/her part.
Valves The only woodwind instrument that is made of brass but is called a woodwind because it has a reed.
Percussion A low brass instrument that is usually not found in an orchestra.
Bells As the size of the instrument becomes longer its sound becomes _________.
Range The main genre of music that includes styles of music from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras.
Lully The word orchestra came from ancient ______ around 2000 years ago, describing the place in front of the stage where the musicians would play and the actors would dance and sing.
Tempo (TWO WORDS) Another name for a jazz band.
PopularMusic (TWO WORDS) The other name for a timpani.
Greece The buttons on a woodwind instrument.
Brass (TWO WORDS) The main genre of music that includes music that you hear on the radio and includes rock, country and rap.
Unpitched The lowest sounding double reed instrument.
Slide A shorter word for a glockenspiel.
TomTom The largest section of an orchestra includes many of these.
Legato The family of instruments that includes flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone and bassoon.
Dynamics The buttons on a brass instrument.

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