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Vintage Movie Crossword

Mark Clark


Elizabeth Found many Pitfall's while Dead Reckoning her way to Easy Living
sheridan Conrad escaped the Nazis, only to end up portraying them
Allyson Jean was picked up on South Street
Gardner Bogie knew how to whistle for her
Veidt The man with the golden arm
Borg Mogambo's other woman
Angeli This Mercedes is not a car, but a star
Peters This girl of the night was Robby's pal
Sothern Claire was mostly tight on Key Largo
Hollywood Yellow-haired fireball
Lombard Too Young to Kiss
novak Constance, Bruce or Joan
Woodward This sassy German import rode in on blue wings
Sinatra Clark's wife was known as the first female casualty of WWII
Myrna A place that lost its land in 1949
McCambridge McGuire or Malone
Dietrich If he couldn't have Gene Tierney, nobody would
Lizabeth Ann rode "Maisie" to stardom
Lake Merry Andrew fell hard for her
Trevor The Big Knife gave him Sudden Fear
Webb Took a bath as Anna Lucasta
Cotten Seperated from The Lady from Shanghai
Bacall This guy epitomized film-noir, body and soul
Haas Powell was not underfed, but the series was known that way
Windsor Resistance to Veda Ann is truly futile
Garfield Audrey or Katherine
Goddard Gloria or Margot
Greenstreet This small body of water was the only one they could find shorter than Alan Ladd
Francis Found her Lucky Strike in her father's drama series
William Hitchcockian blonde in the bay
grahame Plays a woman beside herself, twice
Dorothy This Jan was Paul Douglas' main squeeze
Hepburn Warmed up Warner Baxter's Penthouse in the 30s
Sterling His muses were Beverly and Cleo
Hutton Bogie's biggest nemesis
Palance There's not a Shadow of a Doubt about this guy
welles Marie missed out by a Narrow Margin
Bennett This "Juke Girl" was "Unfaithful"

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