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Twilight lovers crossward.

Billy Year Edward was born(turned into vampire)
Hunting What kind of car does Edward have?
Alice Bella's fathers favorite restaurant.
Denali In Twilight Vampires_____ in the sun.
Jasper Hale Vampire who had a crush on Edward.
1918 Where did Bella live before moving to Forks?
Isabella Edward's mother.
Wethering Hieghts Vampire who wants to kill Bella.
Taylor Lautner What is the name of the boy who has a crush on Bella at Forks High School?
498 Edward's brother.
police chief Disease Edward was dying of.
Charlie Who is Victoria's new boyfriend in Eclipse?
Pizza Who Kills James?
Lamb Number of pages in Twilight.
James Last book in the series.
Eclipse Month that New Moon will be in theaters.
Window Jacob's fathers name?
Calculus Edward's sister that can see the future?
Seventeen Bella's real name?
Cullen Edward and Bella's childs name?
Isle Esme Where is Bella and Edward's favorite place?
Sam Victoria's friend.
Spanish Influenza Food Bella orders at the restaurant while on a date with Edward.
Rosalie If Bella's baby would have been a boy what was she going to name him?
Renesmee Edwards last name?
Victoria Charlie's job.
Mike What does Edward give Bella as a gift to remember him by?
Piano Where Bella and Edward go to visit Renee
Sparkle 2nd book in Twilight series.
Kirsten Stewart How old is Edward?
Renesmee Leader of the wolf pack.
Jacob How did Jacob's mother die?
Jane What is Carlsile Cullens job?
Laurent Name of Victoria's boyfriend.
Jacob Black How does Edward get into Bella's room at night?
Ballet Studio Activity Edward does for his bachelor party.
Jasper What does Bella dare Edward to eat at lunch.
New Moon Actor that plays Jacob.
Crystal Heart Bella's step-father's name.
The Meadow color of Bella's truck.
Edward "So the lion fell in love with the____".
Lodge In which book did Edward ask Bella to marry him?
Volvo Name of the rulers of all vampires.
Doctor Where Edward moved from.
Esme Author of Twilight.
Breaking Dawn Jacob's mate is...?
16 Bella's father name?
Volturi Where Bella meets up with James.
Arizona Where does Edward take Bella for their honeymoon?
Tonya What instrument does Edward play?
Stephanie Meyer What is Renesmee's middle name?
Florida Actress that plays Bella.
Carlie Jasper's sister.
red Bella's worst subject in school.
Riley Who is the newest "vegetarian"?
Phil Bella's favorite book.
November 3rd book of the Twilight Series.
New Moon Vampire who inflicts pain when she looks at you.
Car Crash Who is Bella's best friend?
raviloli Jacob's age.

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