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How much do you know about Star Wars?

by Jessie

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podrace sand people
sarlaacpit composer of the star wars music
tauntaun the only owner of a purple lightsaber
royalguard Obi-wan's master, killed by Darth Maul
hoth a magma planet
coruscant vader flies this
kashyyyk an ewok
jarjarbinks han's response to leia's declaration of love
dantooine the wookie planet
quigonjinn a measure of the force in the blood
cloudcity tries to kill han but han shot first
darthvader there can only be two at once
wicket han's is always breaking down
alderaan big furry beast looking things on tatooine
xwing rainy location of the clone facility
anakinskywalker rebels fly these fighters
salaciouscrumb Senator Palpatine is secretly this Sith Lord
ordersixtysix Little Ani wins this
senatororgana han is frozen in this
anakin where luke and ben meet han
obiwankenobi George Lucas' biggest mistake
green an icy world
midichlorians capital of the republic and home of the jedi temple
iknow the location of the sheild generator
tatooine Han won this from Lando in a bet
speederbikes his dna was used for the clones
carbonite Luke's uncle
darthsidious obi wan's exile name
natalieportman that blue jedi girl
tuskenraider where Lando lives
gungan the fett's home planet
endor he possesses the double bladed light saber
owen yoda's voice
mandalore scout troopers crash these into trees
cthreepo he betrays the Emperor
mustafar jango and boba's ship
sith these guys like to steal and sell droids
countdooku keeps Luke from freezing
kamino leia is forced to reveal this location of the rebel base to vader
moseisley the skywalker home planet
maxreboband he tries to eat c3po's eye
tiefighter Luke's Grandmother
greedo the swamp planet
slaveone kills general grievous
shmi this band plays in jabba's palace
johnwilliams interrupts han and leia
aaylasecura these get tripped up easily on hoth
generalgrievous he kills count dooku
atat the chosen one
milleniumfalcon it eats boba fett
jawas Palpatine gives this order to the clones to betray the jedi
frankoz the clones make their first battle appearance here
dagobah half droid, half human leader of the droid armies
darthmaul yoda throws these red guys into the wall
bantha he adopts leia
jangofett jar jar is one
ben plays the Queen of Naboo
hyperdrive the color of Luke's lightsaber
macewindu darth tyrannus
geonosis destroyed by the death star

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