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Gerran Carter's husband in "2010"?
Ronac Jack owes over three hundred dollars to...
Fireman Minor Goa'uld in "The Other Guys"
Tonanae 'Head' Unas Trader
Orlin The Lost City was founded by the...
Daniel Jack with no sense of humor.
Blue Goa'uld found in Mexico
Joe The doctor who called Sam in the middle of the night to warn her before being murdered.
Aloris Name of planet where time loop originated. (P4X-639)
Hathor Occupation Teal'c hallucinates.
Jack Jaffa that angered Jack by ending sentence with preposition.
Urgo Norman and Harrision is also...
Francis Asgard Sg-1 rescues shortly after Thor's death.
What Agent Cross is from which episode?
Malikai Fictional movie that Teal'c has seen over nine times.
Doughnuts On P4X-884, they found...
Argos Color of Thor's favorite vitamin
Three Has office one floor above Daniel on level eighteen.
Lee Land of Light
Yellow Who replaced Jack in 'Shades of Grey'?
Robert Avatar in the form of an Enkaran
Aschen Atomic weight of Boron
Khalek Martouf's host
Giza P4C 970
Herak Mal Doran
Sam Calls Jack 'human', much to Jack's continued annoyance.
Bratac Teal'c's Father.
Burrock King Arkhan's lieutenant
Walter Omarosa's Mate
Cassandra Alien who started the time loop.
Peridot Service Number 69-4-141.
Knox First name of the airman Jack greeted in "Window of Opportunity"
Ancients Earth's Stargate was discovered in the early 1900's in.
Nightwalker Goau'ld word for weakness or death.
Ojun 'Ancient' that Sam has a relationship with.
Carter Indian guide who visited the SGC in 'Spirits'
Vala Major Carter's favorite Jello.
Oz Daniel masqueraded as a Goa'uld under the name...
Makepeace Service Number 36-6-349.
Flemming Agent Singer is from which organization?
Ten 'Walter the Gate Guy' is actually a...
O'Neil Anubis' son
Lotan Doctor that Sam dresses down when Jack goes missing.
Star Wars The guango was originally called a/n
Jackson Wrote Torment of Tantalus
Heimdall Colonel Jack O'Neill's favorite color.
Rothman Born on July 8, 1965.
Khonsu Major Davis' first name.
Lantesh Mr. Bregman's first name.
Vidrine Daniel's research assistant for his dissertation.
NID The last name of a Deputy who was host to an immature goa'uld.
Bert Teal'c brings Jack what after the second time Jack has the Ancient's knowledge downloaded into his brain.
Siler Location for Orpheus
Nem Jack's natural response to Carter's rambles.
Emmett P8X987
Hammond Most accident prone SGC personell.
technician Three Star Lt. General from "Tangent"
Paul General Maynard's first name.
Kek Which SG team found Daniel after he descended.
Erebus Had his Appendix removed, in the series and real life.

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