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Princess Bride

By Sarah Furlonger

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Fairytale The narrator of the film
Vizzini The place where you go to watch movies/ cinema
Buttercup _ _ _ _ _ _ plays a giant and is one of the 3 bandits
The Princess Bride The leader of the 3 bandits
Award Classification of film e.g comedy, horror
Grandfather The director of the film
Westley The full name of the film
Rob Reinor A feeling for another person usually of the opposite sex
Sword A funny film or show is called _ _ _ _ _ _
Comedy _ _ _ _ _ is a skilled swordsman and one of the 3 bandits
Fezzik _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is also known as the 'Princess Bride'
Plot One of the villains of the film is called Prince _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Humperdink The abbreviation for Parental Guidence Recommended
Genre The place containing the Rodents of unusual size
Villian A fictional story made up to amuse children
Movie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the hero of the movie
Theatre This item is used quite frequently by the character Inigo
Fire Swamp Something you are given when you acheive something great e.g. Oscar
PG Motion Picture/ Film
Inigo The way the movie fits together is called the _ _ _ _
love A cruel, Evil, Vicious, twisted, wicked person

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