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Narnia Puzzle about Good and Evil

Chronicles Owns the Wardrobe
Susan The youngest of the Pevensies
Winter A source of light found on a street
Peter A Faun
Beaver Female Wizard
Queen The object on which Aslan ws sacrificed
Wardrobe Bad
Good To give something up for a greater good
Edmond Female ruler
Christmas A small brown creature
King The figure of God
Adventure Half human, half mule
Professor The land in the wardrobe
Witch The Pevensies went on an _____
Tumnus The oldest of the Pevensies
Lucy A component of war
Aslan A celebratory Time of Year
Sacrifice The most responsible of the Pevensies
Turkish Delight Creature representing God
Lamppost An object used to store clothes in
Stone Table Not Evil
Spell A season
Faun Positive expectation
Narnia The most rebelious of the Pevensies
Wand A ruler
Evil A set of stories
Battle A tasty Turkish snack
Hope A stick beleived to have magical power
Lion A verbal formula believed to have magical force

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