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Disney Movies

Paul Brune

Name the movie from the clues provided.

ratatouille Angela Landsbury stars as a witch in this live action movie
snowwhite George and Ursula
findingnemo Flick and Hopper star in this "small" movie
Up All he wants to do is to be a real boy
thehunchbackofnotredame Cuba Gooding Jr's dog sled movie
aliceinwonderland This movie includes the song "Color of the Wind"
thehauntedmansion Robin William's remake of the Nutty Professor
flubber Disney's other African cartoon featuring an ape man
highschoolmusical Movie based on a popular ride of the same name
peterpan Disney's Hawaiin adventure
racetowitchmountain Mu-Shu likes this movie
thepacifier Adam Sandler's Disney movie from 2008
theappledumplinggang "You can fly" in this movie
nationaltreasure Tim Allen or Fred McMurray film
coolrunnings Tim Allen's live action Christmas movie
tinkerbell Pixar's newest movie
robinhood Disney's African royalty movie. Hakuna Matata
thesantaclause You don't half to go through the looking glass to see this movie
cars Disney animated dog feature setin Italy
thelovebug Disney's action movie starring Dwayne Johnson
beverlyhillschihuahua Prehistoric movie that inspired a thrill ride at animal Kingdom
georgeofthejungle Sequel to the Shaggy Dog
theprincessdiaries movie that's "Under the Sea"
enchanted Disney's musical cartoon that was years ahead of it's time
theshaggydog Dori, Nemo, and Crush
aladdin Live action fairy tale staring Patrick Dempsey
snowdogs Young superheros in training movie
WallE Movie about an unpopular girl who becomes royalty
swissfamilyrobinson Movie about the 1st Jamacian bob sled team
ladyandthetramp She has slippers of glass
cinderella Nicolas Cage's Disney movies
pinocchio Pixar's family of crime fighters
fantasia Lewis goes to the future with Wilbur to stop the bad guy and his hat
theblackhole Vin Diesel's babysitting movie
tarzan The Cygnus, Dr. Reinhardt, B.O.B., and V.I.N.C.E.N.T. are starts in this movie
mulan Disney's cheering and singing smash hit
oldyeller She pricks her finger on a spinning wheel
thelittlemermaid Mater and Lightning McQueen
abugslife Herbie's first movie
petesdragon Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan's movie
treasureplanet Woody, Buzz, Rex, and Mr. Potato Head
Pocahontas Most people cry at the end of this movie
freakyfriday Remy becomes a French Chef
dumbo Max and his dad star in this movie
piratesofthecarribean Pixar's futuristic adventure with a robot cast
meettherobinsons Flower and Thumper as pals in this movie
dinosaur In this movie a family is shipwrecked on a deserted island
tron A movie about a boy and his large "pet"?
bedtimestories Iago, Jafar, and the Sultan are in this movie
thelionking Robin, Maid Marion, Little John
theshaggyda Disney's futuristic take on a Robert Louis Stevenson's book
toystory Disney's computer gaming movie
skyhigh "My...what big ears you have..."
liloandstitch Eddie Murphy's movie based on a popular ride
bambi Peter Pan's friends first movie
sleepingbeauty Belle, Mrs. Potts, and Lumiere
beautyandthebeast Old west comedy starring Don Knotts and Tim Conway
bedknobsandbroomsticks Chloe, Degado, Papi - this movie goes to the dogs
agoofymovie Disney movie that's takes place in a bell tower
theincredibles "and the seven dwarves"

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