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Disney Crossword Puzzle


Test your knowledge! Be prepared for questions and clues from years ago to previously, new Disney movies to old ones, and more!

heart The "Big Cheese"
mandrill Look for the bear __________ of life
TheAppleDumplingGang They took my mom away when she got mad at people being mean to me about my big ears. Who am I?
Hakunmatata Disney's movie about 1st Jamacian bob sled team
Kimba This is a wish your heart makes
blackandwhite Place where Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins) was born in Surrey
Mortimer This spirited fairy is always dressed in blue. She can be a bit stubborn, but together with Fauna and Flora, she helps try to stop Maleficent from harming others
Arora Definition: (adj.) fantastic; very wonderful
Pocahontas Mickey Mouse's original planned name
Jessica King Triton's domain
Upendi Name of Roger Rabbit's wife
Roy The name of Cinderella's stepmother
MickeyMouse What makes the red man _____?
Up Princesses Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella, Allana, and ...
Atlantica This gentle fairy is always dressed in green. She is always eager to please.
Quasimodo Anything is possible for a __________!
PleasureIsland Bibbidi-Bobbidi-_____
toy Rafiki says this means love
Pluto Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy...
Adam Sally's nickname for McQueen
Hercules This good fairy is always dressed in red. She is the leader of the two other fairies in Sleeping Beauty
WaltononThames It means "no worries"
odd The month the Happiest Place on Earth opened to public
CoolRunning I'm a good guy who enjoys the outdoors and I save people and animals. I'm a frontier hero. Who am I?
Fauntleroy I'm not the nicest person, but I love good furs. I often use soft puppy fur. What is the color of my hair?
dream The first Herbie movie
Tron Woody: "YOU ARE A ____!"
RadiatorSprings The cutest little town in Carburetor County
Dumbo Simba's arch rival
Oliver He meets strangers that are just like him
Ariel It's a ______ world
Fauna My dad married a woman who hated me. She wants everything her way. It wasn't too bad until my dad died and she treated me really bad. Who am I?
Boo Donald Duck's middle name
cat Angela Landsbury stars as a witch-in-training in this live action Disney movie
LadyTremaine Co-founder of Walt Disney Productions
Pinocchio Princess's castle at Disneyland
July The townsfolk describe Belle as beautiful and what else?
Dah He is the King of Fools on Topsy Turvy Day
Stickers Maleficant cursed her that she would prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die on her 16th birthday
Flora Pixar's newest movie
Cinderella I was on the streets and a group of dogs took me in. They weren't the best of animals, but I found a home for a while. Who am I?
BedknobsandBroomsticks Mulan's duty is to her _______
ElephantGraveyard The light does not touch this place so to go there is forbidden
Possible The Beast's real name
Sneezy I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret, to make me frown. Who am I?
TinkerBell Everybody wants to be a _____
yellow You will get turned into a donkey by your own fault if you go there
DavyCrockett This old west comedy stars Don Knotts and Tim Conway
Simba Zip-A-Dee-Doo-____
TreasureIsland Peter's friend's first movie
red He will go the distance to be reunited with his mother and father
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious When my dad died, I ran away because I thought it was my fault. I met some friends and they took care of me until my childhood friend found me and told me how much my family needed me. Who am I?
necessities It is now considered a dwarf planet
TheLoveBug The name of Maleficent's pet raven
Diablo Disney's computer gaming movie
pixiedust Type of animal Rafiki is
Tarzan Disney's take on a Robert Louis Stevenson's book
SleepingBeauty Faith, trust, and __________
small I met John Smith when he came to my home and my people were not happy with this. But together, we painted the colors of the wind. Who am I?
Merryweather I became a prisoner in an enchanted castle where I met a clock, a candlestick and a teapot. What color is my ballgown?

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