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Electrical Principles Crossword

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Label Electricity can be changed to heat, light, _____, or magnetism.
Path A circuit needs a power source, a _____ , and a load to work.
Fluorescent Resistance is the _____ to current flow.
Next A _____ is a graphic plot of one cycle of AC voltage.
Switches The main job of capacitors is to increase starting _____ .
Continuous A Heat _____ will always have an RVS.
Current _____ is a name for switch.
CSR If more current flows thru a wire than it's rated for it will become _____ to the touch.
RC An RVS can be energized in _____ or cooling.
ID Sometimes a capacitor is simply called a _____ .
Zero EMF is measured in _____ .
Contact Used to protect wires.
Time In a heat pump the only electrical difference between heating and cooling is the _____ .
Step FLA can be found on the motors _____ plate.
IP A _____ means
Heat 277v power is mainly used for _____ lights.
Opposition The primary _____ of a transformer has voltage applied to it.
Secondary Transformers are rated in _____ .
Schematic A mechanical switch is controlled automatically by outside _____ like temperature or pressure
Run Ohm's _____ states, E = I x R
Unintentional A circuit can have as many _____ as needed.
Induced On an analog ohmmeter every time you change the scale you must _____ the meter.
Cycle We should expect to _____ a reading from 215 volts to 250 volts on what we now call a 240:120VAC 1 phase power source.
Gray An ungrounded _____ is a name for a hot wire.
Heating A delta transformer will have a conductor called a wild _____ .
Hot When using an ohmmeter the first step is to kill the power, the _____ step is to isolate the component.
Oil The abbreviation for a run capacitor.
Leg The
Amps If voltage output of a transformer is less than the input, it is called a _____ down transformer.
Throw _____ flow in a conductor will create heat.
Volts Run capacitors will come in a metal or _____ plastic container.
Fuse The main winding in a single phase motor is called the _____ winding.
Law The most useful wiring diagram to us is the Ladder _____ .
Conductor The _____ side of a transformer has voltage induced to it.
Get An open _____ will close at 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
Forces The secondary side of a transformer has voltage _____ into it.
Pump Current is measured in _____ .
Configuration A line or _____ diagram will show us physical wiring connections.
Temperature In a heat pump defrost cycle, it will take a combination of temperature and _____ to initiate defrost.
Side When we replace a relay we need to know the coil voltage and the switch _____ and amp rating.
Dot The motor configuration named Capacitor Start Capacitor Run is abbreviated _____ .
RVS Ground wires should be run _____ with no switches or fuses in line.
Sound The main enemy of all electrical devices is _____ .
SineWave Some run capacitors may have a painted _____ to mark the side that should be connected to the fused line.
Torque _____ voltage drops are caused by dirty contacts, loose wires, and frayed wires.
Cap A sine wave is a graphic plot of one _____ of AC voltage.
VA A run cap may be filled with _____ to dissipate heat.

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