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Chapter 9 Vocabulary Project

Brandon Nguyen

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mode a table that lists items together according to the number of times, or frequency, that the item occurs
median a number line with marks or dots that show frequency
stratified sample the difference between the greatest and least values in a data set
quartile a graph to organize and display data so that the frequencies can be compared
convenience sample a bar graph that compares two related sets of data
histogram the description of the relationship between two data sets
outlier a diagram that is used to show relationships between sets
correlation the spread of values in a set of data
mean the sum of a set of data divided by the number of items in the data set; also called average
systematic sample the entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey
double-line graph a bar graph that shows the frequency of data within equal intervals
scatter plot a graph that displays the highest and lowest quarters of data as whiskers, the middle two quarters of the data as a box, and the median
double-bar graph a graph with points plotted to show a possinle relationship between two sets of data
variability a graph that shows how two related sets of data change over time
sample a sample in which each individual or object in the entire population has an equal chance of being selected
population the bumber or numbers that occur most frequently in a set of data; when all bumbers occur with the same frequency, we say there is no mode
box-and-whisker plot a sample that does not fairly represent the population
frequency table a value much greater or much less that the others in a data set
random sample a sample of a population that is made up of members that choose to be in the sample
range sampling the most available subjects in the population to obtain quick results
stem-and-leaf plot a part of the population
voluntary response sample a sample of a population that has been selected using a pattern
line plot the middle number or the mean (average) of the two middle numbers in an oredered set of data
venn diagram three values, one of which is the median, that divide a data set into fouths. See also first quartile, third quartile
biased sample a sample of a population that has been divided into subgroups

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