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Triangles and Polygons

Triangles and other polygons play a role in our lives everyday. We will be studying these shapes in class over the next couple of weeks. Try this crossword puzzle without any reference materials first to test your background knowledge. If you get stuck, use your textbook, computer or math dictionary to help you. Good luck! (** Note: If your answer is more than one word, do not put any spaces between words when you fill in the puzzle.)

Rhombus parallelogram with all congruent sides
Pentagon a polygon with six sides
Obtuse Triangle a triangle with no congruent sides
Acute Triangle a triangle with one right angle
Parallelogram a triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees
Equilateral Triangle a simple closed figure formed by three or more line segments
Triangle a parallelogram with four right angles
Polygon a polygon with eight sides
Hexagon a triangle with three congruent sides
Right Triangle a triangle with at least two congruent sides
Scalene Triangle a polygon with three sides
180 degrees a triangle with three angles that are less than 90 degrees
Trapezoid a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides
Square the sum total of the three angles of any triangle
Octagon a polygon with five sides
Congruent figures that have the same size and shape
Rectangle a parallelogram with congruent sides and congruent angles
Quadrilateral quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
Decagon a polygon with four sides
Isosceles Triangle a polygon with ten sides

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