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Ray Weier

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zero 5 in the term 5x^2.
radian The natural log of e.
period F(g(x)).
binomial The multiplicative inverse.
parabola One complete cycle of a trigonometric function
increasing A function having a positive slope.
trinomial The change in y divided by the change in x.
range A three- term algebraic expression.
root 6 in the term 6^x.
cotangent The ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.
circle Angle from horizontal up to line of sight.
horizontal The additive inverse.
discriminant The ratio of the opposite leg to the adjacent leg.
variable A radial angle.
slope Set of all output values of a function.
factorial The natural log of 1.
vertical Having the same terminal side.
three The common log of 1000.
tangent The nth power of a.
exponent The ratio of the opposite leg to the hypotenuse.
opposite Lines having equal slopes.
one A two-term algebraic expression.
cosine Lines having a slope of zero.
reciprocal A set of ordered pairs.
domain Cofunction of the tangent.
line A letter used to represent a number.
elevation Four times three times two times one, for example.
frequency The reciprocal of the sine.
arcsine Has equation y = ax^2 bx c
relation Another name for the solution of an equation.
composite Angle from horizontal down to the line of sight.
coefficient Has equation y = mx b
base The reciprocal of the period.
cosecant b^2 - 4(a)(c)
coterminal Lines having no slope.
parallel Has equation x^2 y^2 = r^2
imaginary Set of all the input values of a function.
sine The square root of a negative number.
depression Another name for the inverse sine.

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