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Topics Final Assessment for Polynomial Functions

Lucia Ortiz

This puzzle will consist of some of the terms that we used during the past few weeks while studying polynomial functions.

Roots equals to 1 in a polynomial function
Negative process of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities
Like Terms where they both have positive numbers
Quadratic Formula the value of x where the graph crosses or touches the x-axis: y= 0
Factored Form used when the divisor is a large number and everything is written down
Graphing sudden spring or leap
Zeros a number or symbol, placed above and to the right of the expression to which it applies, that indicates the number of times the expression is used as a factor.
Simplifying an integer that is either positive or 0
Exponents the coefficient of the leading term
Synthetic Division a formula to find out theroots of a quadratic equation from its original coefficients: x = [-b ± √(b2 - 4ac)]/2a
Subtraction a minus sign
Negative the operation of seeing how many times one number can go into another
Degree of the Polynomial its a even number on the graph
Lead Coefficient noting a quantity greater than zero
Non-negative Integers where they both have negative numbers
Positive the product obtained by multiplying a quantity by itself one or more times
Odd the process of uniting two or more numbers into one sum
Right side of graph going up involving or noting subtraction; minus
Addition has the form of y=A polynomial
Multiplication the degree of the leading term
Even having a sign that remains the same when the sign of each independent variable is changed at the same time.
Power in where x-r is a factor of a polynomial P(x) if and only if r is a root of P(x)
Right side of graph going down a solution to the polynomial equation, P(x)= 0
Division its an odd number on the graph
Long Division having a sign that changes when the sign of each independent variable is changed at the same time.
Ends of graph going in opposite direction the highest degree of an algebraic expression
x-intercepts to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another
Polynomial Function to make less complicated
Ends of graph in same direction where the divisor must be of the first degree and must have the form x-a
Cross a real number times the positive square root of -1also refered as a complex number
Bounce when numbers look alike, have the same qualities
Imaginary Numbers A diagram that shows a relationship between two sets of numbers
Lead Term the act of multiplying

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