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Mathematicians and Scientists


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Fibonacci gave three fandamental laws of planetary motion, worked in optics and geometry
Copernicus French lawy who worked in the foundations of calculus
Einstein founder of symboli logic
Archimedes formulated the basic laws of falling bodies
Viete work in geometry had the greatest influence in that area after Euclid
Weierstrass Greek mathematician who wrote "The Elements"
Gateaux famous for work on prime numbers and for measuring the diameter of the earth
Polya constructed the theory of complex functions by means of power series
Galois initiated the study of quantum mechanics
Cantor investigated "integration in infinitely many dimensions"
Doppler Scottish scholar who invented logarithms
Fermat originator of algebraic topology
Poincare proved the stability of the solar system, put the theory of mathematical probability on a sound footing
Grassmann first to provide a rigorous proof that pi is irrational
Bolyai worked extensively in Fractal Geometry
Mandelbrot first to proof a famous right triangle theorem
Descartes theory of relativity
Pythagoras born in Italy, took part in the Los Alamos project to build the atomic bomb
Boole pseudonym for Charles Dodgson
Fermi between 1820 and 1823 prepared a treatise on a complete system of non-Euclidean geometry
Kepler inventor of pulleys and a screw pumping device
Eratosthenes father of differential geometry
Napier established the science of hydrodynamics
Euclid Polish astronomer and mathematician who proposed the earth's yearly motion around a stationary sun
Hilbert Contributed to the theory of elliptical functional
Chebyshev pioneered the theory of permutation groups
Jacobi recent mathematician who worked in probability, analysis, number theory, geometry, combinatorics, and mathematical physics
Planck "I think, therefore I am."
LordRaleigh German mathematician who developed the present day notation for the differential and integral calculus
Cauchy founded set theory
Lobachevsky produced a method of determining when a general equation could be solved by radicals
Laplace investigated number theory, famous for orthogonal polynomials
Monge published a paper which considered both the motion of the source and the motion of the observer on the apparent pitch of sound
Lasker worked on the theory of waves, discovered the gas Argon
Carroll developed a general calculus for vectors
Peano world chess champion who introduced the notion of a primary ideal
Leibniz approached logic by reducing it to simple algebra
Lambert first account on non-Euclidian geometry to appear in print
Galileo introduced the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system and the use of Arabic numerals into Europe
Stokes French mathematician who introduced the first systematic algebraic notation

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