Parallel | | A number with a decimal point in it that is a little more or less than the consecutive whole number |
Complementary angles | | a letter or symbol representing a quantity |
Coefficient | | A number below zero |
Probability | | Two lines or planes are ___________ to each other if the angle between them is 90 degrees |
Zero | | The number multiplied times a product of variables or powers of variables in a term |
Set | | The distance from zero to a number is |
Consecutive | | a number which multiplied by itself, gives you the original number |
Fraction | | A continuing list of numbers that are one right after another |
Square Root | | An equation that uses symbols for less than and greater than |
Expression | | ____ is an additive identity |
Absolute value | | A positive whole number |
Reciprocal | | Counting numbers such as 1. 2. 3. 4 |
Inequality | | A rectangular or square array of numbers. Matrices can be written using brackets or parentheses |
Radical | | The chance of something happening in the future |
Perpendicular | | A mathematical phrase that contains no equal sign |
Matrix | | Another way of saying multiplicative inverse |
Factor | | The opposite sides of a square are... |
Integer | | The _____ of 2 numbers is the first number divided by the second number |
Decimal | | The square root sign |
Vertex | | A process in which you break a number into numbers that can be multiplied together to get the original number. |
Ratio | | A number between zero and 1 and is expressed as one number over another number |
Variable | | A collection of related things |
Negative number | | A _____ of a figure is a corner. |
Natural Numbers | | Two angles are said to be __________ if their sum is ninety degrees |