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D. Masters

Basic Geometric terms

translation A triangle with all sides congruent.
syllogism In Greek, it means
del A triangle with at least 2 congruent sides
patriots ctrl - alt - ?
supplementary The ratio of any two corresponding sides of similar figures.
LisaBrewer Logic law: if p->q, and q->r, then p->r
biconditional What property of equality is AB = BA
scalefactor The conditional and converse are both true.
scalene Lines not in the same plane that do not intersect.
DrewBledsoe What property of equality is AB = AB
similar An angle with a degree measure less than 90
slope Two angles whose sum is 90
perimeter A triangle with no congruent sides
transitive Quarterback of undefeated NFL team as of 11/25/07
TomBrady UT mascot name
skewlines The change in the rise of a line divided by the run.
parallellines A transformation moving a figure along a fixed direction.
obtuseangle Lee High sports name
rectangle He was president in 1993
uga Georgia Bulldogs mascot name
Dale A quadrilateral with 4 right angles.
midpoint Vice-president of the US
geometry An angle whose degree measure is 90.
equilateral What's usually in Mr. Masters' Halloween bowl?
RonEarley A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and 4 congruent sides
TerrellOwens Two angles whose sum is 180
bisector Mr. Masters' middle name.
square Only undefeated NFL team as of 11/25/07
smokey The middle of a line segment
linearpair Under the mode key
isosceles Lines in the same plane that do not intersect.
symmetric The set of all points
congruent An
BillClinton A conjecture that must be proven true.
perpendicularlines Before Romo
space An angle with a degree measure between 90 and 180.
conditional If two angles have the same measure they are what?
Generals Polygons whose corresponding sides are proportional.
rightangle T.O.
candy What property of equality is IF A=B, B=C, THEN A=C
acuteangle Lines that meet to form right angles.
theorem The ray that cuts an angle in half
complementary Two adjacent angles whose non-common sides form a straight line.
DickCheney Principal of Lee High
quit The sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon.
reflexive One of the assistant principles at Lee High

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