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Algebra II

D. Masters

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slope intercept c < a < b (2W)
constraints { }
expansion by minors The science that deals with the motion of projectiles
standard A rectangular array of variables or constants in rows and columns, usually enclosed in brackets
power An algebraic or numeric phrase
ballistics ax by = c (linear equation form)
distributive A 3 term polynomial
commutative A method of solving linear systems using determinants of matrices (2W)
Swiss a = a (property of equality)
absolute value ab = ba (property of equality)
Hawaii A method used to solve a system of linear equations
feasible region {x| x > 3} (type of notation) (3W)
reflexive A method of finding 3rd order determinants (3W)
inconsistent An ordered pair or a set of ordered pairs
domain First African-American secretary of state (2W)
identity function A 2 term polynomial
blue moon A system of linear equations with a solution
symmetric y in (x, y)
set builder notation Cramer's first name (from Cramer's Rule - not Seinfeld)
foil A method used to solve a system of linear equations
transitive A number that cannot be expressed as a/b where a
substitution a * 1/a = 1 (property of multiplication)
equation a 0 = a (property of addition)
Bavarian Captian Jack's ship in Pirates of the Caribbean (2W)
greatest integer function a(b c) = ab ac (property of multiplication with respect to addition)
cramers rule a b = b a (property of addition)
elizabeth y = x (function type) (2W)
rational number A relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element in the range
constant function a(bc) = (ab)c (property of multiplication)
range The quotient of the rise of a line divided by the run
Halle Berry The distance a point is from zero
elimination A mathematical sentence
interval notation y = 6 (function type) (2W)
function Cramer's nationality (from Cramer's Rule - not Seinfeld)
trinomial If a=b, b=c, then a=c (property of equality)
compound inequality Area of an intersecting system of inequalities used in linear programming (2W)
Europe A letter that represents a number
irrational number [a, b) (type of notation) (2W)
associative A number that can be expressed as a/b, where a
inverse A system of linear equations with no solution
ordered triple The way to express very large or very small values in mathematics (2W)
binomial f( x ) = [[x]] (3W)
expression A method used to multiply 2 binomials
variable In baseball, it's when the same player pitches the entire game without allowing any player of the opposing team to reach first base -- by any means (2W)
Tony Dungy x in (x, y)
identity The constant factor of a matrix
scatter plot y = mx b (linear equation form) (2W)
scientific notation Another name for exponent
consistent A graph of bivariate data (2W)
slope The solution to a system of linear equations in three variables (2W)
Gabriel A series of inequalities that define the boundries of a feasible region in linear programming
Colin Powell First African-American female to win best actress oscar (2W)
sparrow The only continent without a desert
scalar First African-American coach to win the super bowl (2W)
perfect game Only US state that grows coffee
trichotomy Miss Swan in Pirates of the Caribbean
matrix Given real numbers a
empty set Captain Jack's last name from Pirates of the Caribbean
Black Pearl What the B stands for in the BMW automobile
relation The second full moon in one calendar month

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