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7th Grade Math Definitions


Give the Vocabulary Word for each Definitions.

Least Common Multiple The distance from the center of a circle to a point on the circle.
Sum The top number in a fraction.
Greatest Common Factor An angle that measures less than 90 degrees.
Integer The smallest common multiple of two numbers.
Acute Angle A number in the form a/b.
Inverse Operation A mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.
Bar Graph Numbers that are less than zero.
Fraction A change in the size or postion of a figure.
Supplementary Angles Two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees.
Numerator Numbers greater than zero.
X-axis A rate in which the second quantity is one unit.
Mean A six-sided polygon.
Hexagon The answer to a subtraction problem.
Difference An eight-sided polygon.
Octagon A whole number that divides another whole number evenly.
Unit Rate A graph that uses a line to show how data changes over time.
Transformation Figures with the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
Pentagon The largest factor two numbers have in common.
Numerator The middle values in a data set.
Positive Number The vertical line in an x-y coordinate system.
Similar Figures A transformation that flips a figure over a line.
Complementary Angles The answer to a multiplication problem.
Mode The differences between the least and greatest numbers in a data set.
Factor A graph that uses bars to display data.
Raduis A whole number, its opposite, or zero.
Line Graph A number's distance from zer0.
Quadrants A five-sided polygon.
Sector The distance across a circle through its center.
Reflection The values(s) that occur most often in a data set.
Absolute Value The perimeter of a circle.
Equation Two angles whose measures 180 degrees.
Diameter A wedge-shaped part of a circle.
Circumference An angle that measures 90 degrees.
Range The four regions determined by the axes of a coordinate plane.
Right Angle The sum of the values in a data set divided by the number of values.
Product The top number in a fractor.
Y-axis The answer to an addition problem.
Negative Numbers The horizontal line in an x-y coordinate system.
Median Operations that "undo" each other, such as addition and subtraction.

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