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Literature Vocabulary


Vocabulary words for Drama, Poety, fiction and Writings

Trimeter A major division in the action of a play
Verse Actions turns out to have the opposite effect from the one its doer had intended
Epigram A drama written to be read rather than acted on a stage
Unities A long uninterrupted speech
Trilogy An evil habit or wicked tendency present in characters
Vice A nineteen-line lyric poem that relies heavily on repetition
Aside A stanza or poem of four lines
Homeric Similie The differences between what is said or believed and what is actually the truth
Romantic comedy The first line of an italian sonnet
Free Verse A word, phrase, line or group of lines repeated regularly in a poem
Prologue Literary work that mocks a person, place, thing or idea using irony sarcasm and understatement
Parallel A line of verse containing four feet
Epithet A literary composition, usually a novel or a play written in three parts
Refrain The end
Couplet Is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
Stress Persona
Tetrameter A stanza or three lines
High Comedy A story acted out, usually on a stage
Tragic flaw A group of lines formng a unit in a poem
Protagonist A descriptive adjective or phrase used to characterize someone or something
Conventions unrealistic devices or procedures that the reader or audience agrees to accept
Parados The use of phrases, clauses or sentences that are similar complementary in structure or in meaning
Rising Action The idea that a play should be limited to a specific time, place, and story line
Closet Drama The hero or heroine or main character in a story
Hubris Epic simile, ends in a climax
Low comedy A series of difficulties forming the cenral action in a narrative
Complication A speecj, usually lengthy, in which a character along on stage expresses his or her thoughts aloud
Episodes Weakness or flaw of a character
Sonnet Patterns of rhymes in a poem indicated by a different letter of the alphabet for each new rhyme
Reversal peripety Comedy that involves ridiculous or hilarious complications without regard for human values
Comedy A set of conflicts and crises that constitute the parts of a play or story plot leading to the climax
Octave A three-line Stanza form borrowed from the italian poets
Tragedy poetry that expresses a speaker's personal thoughts or feelings
Terza Rima Plays almost no attention to human values, no literary value
Melodrama A greater regular pattern of stressed syllables in poetry
Drama The last six lines of an italian sonnet
Burlesque A fourteen line lyric poem
Masks Words spoken by a character in a play, not intended to be heard by other characters on stage
Denouement A verbal wit, such as puns
Tristich A weakness or limitation of charcter resulting in the fall of the tragic hero
Hamartia A line of poetry
Irony the song for the entrance of the chorus
Act a line of cerse consisting of three feet
Soliloquy Extreme pirde, leading to overconfidence
Farce A serious play having an unhappy ending
Quatrain Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
Monologue Articles or objects that appear on stage during a play
Iambic pentameter a preparatory scene
Rhyme Scheme Separated by danced choral songs
Props A brief witty poem
Lyric poetry Comedy which wittily protrays fashionable life
Seset Relies on slapstick and horesplay
Stanza Light play with a happy ending
Comedy of Manners Poetry that nas no fixed meter or pattern and that dpends on the natural speech rhythms
Villanelle Involves a love affair but meets with various obstactles

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