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Lawrence Whose approval is needed for a war to be declared in the US.
Eccentric Thoreau's first name (before he changed it.)
Pencils One of the author's of the play.
One How many nights Thoreau spent in jail.
Concord Thoreau's mento.
Walden When people break laws they are sometimes practicing _________________________ as a way to protest.
CivilDisobedience Advice from Thorea.
Corporal The kind of punishment Thoreau was forced to perform.
SelfReliance Where he spent the night.
Lee One of the principles of Transcendentalism.
Conformity The kind of protest Thoreau believed in.
Congress To follow others.
Nature What war Thoreau disagrees with the U.S. being involved in.
Jackson What Thoreau thinks is the US is trying to support by entering the Mexican war.
LockJaw A short career for Emerson.
Taxes One of the principles of Transcendentalism.
Emerson What Thoreau wouldn't pay.
Teacher What Thoreau's father had a success in making.
Minister What Thoreau's brother died from.
Transcendentalism Where Thoreau and Emerson grew up and lived.
Jail Another of Emerson's essays.
David The University Thoreau
Intuition Odd
Individuality Where Thoreau spent 2 yrs. 2 months and 2 days.
Simplify One of the Authors
Mexican One of the Authors of the play.
Slavery The name of one of Emerson's essays.
Harvard A short career for Thoreau.
John Thoreau's brother.
Peaceful A way of thinking deeply about everything around you and trying to become one with your surroundings.

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