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The Diary of Anne Frank

Bryan Weinberg

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Flabbergasted Anne Franks mother
Frankfurt a secret attic
Edith Hollander the genocide of 6 million Jews
montessori people who are prejudice
Concentration camp the people who hated the Jews
Gestapo the removal of Jews from a certain place
Public Transport appalled amazed, stunned
racism Anne Franks father
Margot Frank Anne Frank’s sister
Death penalty leader of the Nazi party
Adolph Hitler family that stayed with them in the attic
annexe a type of school Anne frank attended
Liberal Jews A severe skin disease that Anne Frank had
holocaust the city where Anne frank was born
Typhus Concentration camp- the camp where Anne Frank died at
otto Frank discrimination of a certain race for belief
dentist the young girl who was in the holocaust
Van Pels Family Jews were to never be seen again
Auschwitz Jews were not allowed to travel on this
Anti-Semitic the boy Anne Frank had a crush on
Anne Frank Anne was living with a dentist in the attic
gas chambers Germans who helped the Jews were to be killed
scabies Jews who embraced purism modernity and equalize
Opekta works secret police of the Nazi Germany
Nazis chambers they put Jews in and filled them with gas to kill them
deportation the severe disease that killed many people including Anne Frank
germany the work place for Otto Frank where he sold fresh fruit
Bergen Belsen Concentration camp country which Anne frank was born
Peter Van Daan A well known concentration camp where they used gas chambers
perished camps where Jews were held and enslaved and also killed

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