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Tale of Two Cities-Book 2

Bart and Casey

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Courthouse 25. Sacrifices his own life to save the husband of the woman he loves?
vengeance 1. What two cities does the title refer?
propose 24. How long did Manette's psychological relapse last after Lucie left for her honeymoon?
JohnBasard 16. What image does dickens frequently use to describe Lucie manette?
thejackal 33. The father of the child that got run over by Marquis' carriage?
devil 10. Darnay makes a moderate living teaching what language?
SydneyCarton 26. Lucie's nurse?
suicide 29. Prisioner Charles Darnay is accused to being a traitor to whom?
Evremonde 40. Innocent young woman who is sentenced to die with Darnay?
Scientists 36. The ___________ is the symbol of the cross?
gaspard 30. Where does doctor manette live?
sohosquare 9. THis great lord holds a reception in paris?
mrscruncher 34. Why does gaspard murder marquis'?
messenger 20. Who informs the Defarges that Lucie manette has married charles Darnay?
Jacques 7. Stryver's nickname?
therese 4. Madame defarge dies because of accidental what?
doctormanette 19. What does mr. lorry try to persuade mr. stryver not to do?
laforce 35. Charles Darnay is the __________ of this novel?
jesus 23. Another name for Charles Darnay?
french 6. The bank clerks tells Cruncher to go to where and await orders from Jarvis Lorry?
thelion 2. What is Jerry Cruncher's occupation at night?
seamstress 22. Who develops a habit of watching and speaking to Lucie as she waits on a paris street corner each day?
londonandparis 37. Carton is the symbol of whom in this book?
ninedays 15. What skilldid doctor manette develop in order to pass the time during his incarceration
Lucie 18. Who does Miss Pross believe is the ideal suitor for Lucie Manette?
revenge 17. What sound does Lucie often head echoing off the street when she is in her home?---
graverrobber 31. Monseigneur was known for this?
goldenthread 38. What is madame defarge's first name?
footsteps 32. Evremonde curses Monseigneur to whom?
Solomon 3. Darnay returns to france his family's what?
MadameDefarge 11. Darnay admits his love for lucie manette to whom?
selfishness 39. A bloodthirsty woman who is always on the side of Madame Defarge?
guillotine 27. Her husband beats her for praying?
woodsawyer 14. By what name do the men in Defarge's wine shot call their fellow revolutionaries?
Kinggeorge 13. Cruncher digs up roger cly's body to sell in to whom?
Monseigneur 12. Stryver announces he intends to marry whom?
steward 8. Sydney carton's nickname?
shoemaking 21. During the storming of the Bastille, who decapitates the fortress' guard?
protagonist 5. Jerry Cruncher is employed at tellson's bank as what?
misspross 28. Symbol for injustice of the new order?

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