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Shakespearen Confusion

Tavia Johnson

King Lear Vocabulary

lethargied fanfare of trumpets
cruel garters distinguishing
marjoram prostitute
recreant weathervaces
familiar hurt
courtesan lasting forever or for an indefinitely long time
afflication a stong dislike
parricides inimate
mire criticism
dot on to continue in a course of action
frontlet those who murder their fathers
discerning coining money was the king's privilege
epileptic disorted
ignobly intentionally harmful
nimble a disloyal person; traitor
fa sol la mi tugging or pulling on someone's beard was an extreme insult
infirmities countenance
merry lacking energy
dissolutions in good spirits
perpetual neglect
antipathy a stick or switch used for beating as a punishment
sojourn damage
plucks attentiveness
adder physical ailments
dominions solemnly reject
crime terminations or breaking up into parts
abjure the property or money that a woman gives to her hisband when they are married
cocks shamefully
persevere poisonous snake
slack act foolish toward
halter a plant used to treat madness
mischief a governed territory or country
tarry wait for
darkling Edmund sings an augmented fourth, sometimes referred to as "the devil in music"
visage a metephor for frown
fairest characterized by abundance
dowry a rope with a noose for hanging
coining visit; to live somewhere temporarily
fourish enduring
censure in the dark
rod a pun; crewel is a thin yarn
opulent cause of pain or suffering
contemned moving quickly
retinue an area with wet, soggy ground; bog
mar despised
diligence a group of assistants or servants attending a person of importance
perpetual bastard son, meant affectionately here
maledictions curses
malicious most loved
whoreson offense

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