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Introduction to Shakespeare

Chiutsi, J

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suspense Shakespeare's own theatre.
juliuscaesar where Shakespeare began his career.
sixteenth William's most popular tragedy
comedy An evil character in a play.
incitingforce William was __________ years older than his wife.
november these can be people, objects or animals
sonnet Shakespeare's shortest tragedy.
plays A story with a happy ending.
elizabeth Queen of England during Shakespeare's time
1564 William's first born daughter
fiftytwo Elizabethan sport.
simile The highest point a story can ever reach.
exposition William's only son
eight One of Shakespeare's twins.
globe A play is divided into acts and _______________
stratforduponavon William was the third born in a family of _____________
tragichero How many children did Shakespeare have?
tragedy William married at this age.
oxymoron William got married in this month of 1582.
characters Shakespeare wrote 38 of them.
onomatopoeia opposes the main character
bardofavon repetition of the first consonant
hamlet A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and supposedly not heard by the other actors on stage
john Girls got married at this age in the Elizabethan era
three Shakespeare wrote during this period
hamnet A story with a sad ending.
hyperbole William is popularly known as as a poet,actor and _______.
alliteration Shakespeare wrote tragedies,sonnets and these.
personification He died at this age.
dramatist Dies because of a personal weakness called a tragic flaw.
scenes Giving non-living things human qualities
fourteen Shakespeare's birth place
judith evident exaggeration for emphasis
villain The central idea of a story
protagonist The introduction of a story is also known as the
maryarden Shakespeare's wife
aside Shakespeare of often called ______________
london A dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing a listener.
english A ------------- is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter with a carefully patterned rhyme scheme
antagonist use of words that immitate the sound they represent.
1616 Shakespeare's dad
susanna Major character in a play.
theme the feeling of uncertainty and interest about the outcome of certain actions, most often referring to an audience's perceptions in a dramatic work.
eight Shakespeare's nationality
eighteen His year of birth.
climax comparison using as and like
conflicts He died this year
soliloquy two contrasting words used together
comedies one event that triggers action in a story
annehathaway These lead to the climax
hunting William's mom

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