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The Scarlet Letter Vocabulary

Eleanor Brasfield

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emaciated n. anybody who tries to deceive people by tricks, stories, etc.; a swindler
penitence n. hate or mistrust of human kind
grimace n. the district under jurisdiction of a magistrate
infamy v. to glimmer or shine
propinquity n. nearness in space, time, or relationship
providence n. a facial expression usually of disgust or disapproval
ominous adj. not conforming with orthodox standards or beliefs
imp n. an evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal
colloquy n. not perceptive to the touch; too subtle to be easily understood
callous n. small, human in form, playful, having magic powers
obeisance n. paradise
deletrious adj. disgraceful, dispicable, humiliating
celestial n. a small demon or fiend, a mischevious child
effervescence adj. relating to the sky, heavenly
transmuted adv. harmful, likely to cause death
misanthropy adj. pretending evil or harm, a threatening omen
heterodox n. sparkling with spirit, spontaneous liveliness
scintillating n. an attitude or gesture that expresses difference or homage
betwixt n. God, divine direction, the care, guardianship, control of a deity
indefatiguable adj. seemingly incapable of being fatigued
repugnance v. change from one form, nature, or substance to another
utopia adj. to waste away physically, to lose flesh as to become very thin
abased v. to drink or to receive and absorb in the mind
imbibed n. to reason with a person earnestly objecting to its actions
magistracy n. extreme dislike or aversion
effervescence n. a conversation, especially a formal one or a written dialogue
malignity prep. between
expostulation adj. the feeling of showing sorrow for one's sins of misdeeds
sprite adj. having a harmful effect
eminence v. to reduce or lower as in rank or reputation
ignonimious adj. being hardened emotionally or physically
mountebank n. declare sacred or devote to a solemn purpose
impalpable n. lively and high spirited, vivacious
consecration n. a position of great distinction or superiority

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