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Ms. B

Vocabulary for Rules

Tingly A sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things, or
wince A contorted facial expression
Shimmy To show fear of truthful horror
Mimic Move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
Acoustic Search or inquire in a meddlesome way; to be nosey
Batik An announcement that usually advises or warns the public of
Avalanche Make by twisting together or intertwining
Broach Imitate (a person or manner), especially when making fun of or
Advisory A platform built out from the shore into the water and supported
whorl A secretary whose main duty is to answer the telephone and
Corridor Save or relieve from an experience or action
Receptionist Tremble or shake
Fray hand-dyed fabric
Grimace A structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series
Pry Wear away by rubbing or cutting jaggedly
Bowlegged An almost pleasurable sensation of fright; right before numbness
Cringe A decorative pin worn by women; or to bring up a topic of
wharf With extreme care or delicacy; softly or sweetly
Gingerly Having legs that curve outward at the knees
Twine Of or relating to sound
Lunge An enclosed passageway or hallway; rooms usually open onto it
Tangy Draw back, flinch as with fear or pain
Fleeting Tasting sour like a lemon; sweet
Spare The act of moving forward suddenly

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