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Romeo and Juliet Crossword Quiz


This is a puzzle of many of the names and concepts present in Romeo and Juliet.

self Romeo was originally in love with ___
poison When everyone dies, the play is a ___
prologue Romeo vs. Tybalt is person vs. ___
Shakespeare How many people die in the play?
dagger Reads the prologue
chorus Romeo and Juliet is set in ________ Italy
tybalt Romeo is killed by ______
society The apothecary lives in ________
mercutio Juliet not knowing who to be loyal to is person vs. ___
tragedy The male protagonist
men "Death is my son-in-law" is an example of ___
person the prince is merciful and ______ Romeo
juliet The female protagonist
Romeo When Romeo has a bad feeling about going to the party it is an example of ___
rosaline The Prince's cousin, Benvolio's foil
lawrence Romeo's honest cousin
banishes Ill fated
personification Juliet's pugnacious cousin
sonnet Queen ________ I
six The ______ declares anyone fighting in the streets will die
foils Juliet dies by Romeo's ______
benvolio much of the play is written in ________ pentameter
starcrossed William _____
iambic R
mantua Back in the day, women on stage were played by
prince The into is called the______
foreshadowing 14 line love poem
elizabeth Friar ______ gives Juliet the sleeping potion
verona Opposite characters
globe Shakespeare's theater was called the _______

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