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Romeo and Juliet


a mixture of quotes and events

Rosaline "Bless you!"
Queen Mab The other one
Tybalt "My naked weapon is out."
Verona "Temp'ring extremities with extreme sweet."
Juliet Romeo's punishment, stated by the prince
Paris Faeries' midwife
Italy "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand to much."
grave "Happily met, my lady and my wife!"
breaks "He jests at __ that never felt a wound."
Abram "Death lies on her like an untimely ______...."
jewel Drove the sun god's chariot
Benvolio Romeo's servant
rose "Shall I speak ill of him that is my _______?"
Mediterranean Sea she also dies at the end of the play...
scars "I will then give it you soundly."
dove "With _____light wings did I overpearch these walls"
Aegean Sea "...a rich _____ in an Ethiop's ear."
love's "A ________ by any other name"
Phaethon :...a snowy ___________ trooping with crows"
Peter "And stint thou to, I pray thee, nurse, say I."
Sampson Where Verona is located
Balcony "Have not saints lips, and holy palmer too."
Chorus "do you bit your thumb at us, sir?"
Balthasar Romeo's confessor
Apothacary "Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe."
Romeo Sold Romeo poison
Romeo "Ask for me tomorrow and you will find me a __ man"
Plague Place of Romeo's exile
Lady Capulet "O,she doth teach the torches to burn bright."
Lady Montague Disease spread by rats
brawl "What light through yonder window _____?"
husband The play opens with a _______
banishment One of two bodies of water surrounding Italy
Friar Laurence Where Juliet appears after the party
Benedicite The city where this takes place
Mantua "But everyman betake him to his legs."
frost Romeo's first love

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