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Rhetorical Terms ARE fun!!

Aaron Chism

A fun puzzle of Rhetorical Terms!

consonance "The wind whispered through the trees."
climax The excessive use of conjuctions to "slow the pace."
onomatopoeia "A good pun is its own re-word."
alliteration Are you leaving out a word because it is already implied by the context of the words around it? Try this rhetorical strategy.
Ellipsis In this rhetorical strategy, words are repeated at the begining of successive clauses.
paradox "Then the decurion and his troopers herded their prisoner back...." -Patrick Larkin, The Tribune (169)
Periodic "Why are you such an idiot?"
epanalepsis A statement that has some truth, but seems to contradict itself.
chiasmus Using the words "Capitol Hill" instead of the word "government."
apposition Grammatical structure of the first clause, is reversed to create the second.
Anthimeria A clearly expressed comparison, recognized by the use of Like or as.
Irony most commonly known as the usage of a noun as a verb.
synecdoche When one word describes two or more nouns, but the word is written only once. Think implied meaning.
Polyptoton The reptition of similar consonant sounds at the middle or ends of words.
oxymoron Antanaclasis is a type of this.
Parenthesis Arranging ideas in order of importance.
euphemism The absence of conjuctions between phrases. Opposite of polysyndenton
hyperbole "Sparkles, my cat, coughed up a hairball."
antithesis Common forms of this are Situational, Cosmic, and Dramatic.
Paronomasia "I loved his eyes(the extent to which he loved could be argued) and his hair."
Antimetabole Isocolon is a type of this.
zeugma Repetition of vowel sounds within words.
pun "She loved her cake, her cake was her life, her life was her hell, and her hell was her freedom."
anastrophe "Nothing will come of nothing." -Shakespeare's King Lear
asyndenton "Sanitation Engineer"
Anadiplosis This strengthens an idea with underexaggeration. Think Chandler from friends.
parallelism The opposite of anaphora.
polysyndenton "Jumbo Shrimp."
litotes Words from the same root are repeated, but in different senses.
personification Opposite of litotes.
Loose Substituting a descriptive word for a proper name.
Simile A comparison between two unlike things. By the way, the comparison is implied.
Antanaclasis This is when opposite ideas are stated together to show contrast.
Apostrophe The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of each word.
anaphora "A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch And blue spurt of a lighted match." -Browning's Meeting At Night
metonymy "God, why do you mock me so?"
epistrophe This type of sentence ends with a dependent clause and begins with an independent clause and the main idea.
Periphrasis Everyone should fight to live, not live to fight.
isocolon In greek, this means a "turning back" and deals with word order.
metaphor "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." -Groucho Marx
assonance Parallelism in which several successive phrases contain the same amount of words and sometimes syllables.
Rhetoricalquestion The main idea is at the end of this type of sentence.

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