lyricpoem | | 4 lines of a poem considered as a unit |
personification | | long lyric poem in dignified language about a serious subject |
figureofspeech | | a word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of something else and is not meant to be taken literally |
allusion | | reference to someone or something that is known from some other branch of culture |
freeverse | | 14 line poem usually in iambic pentameter |
hyperbole | | figure of speech that makes a comparison between 2 unlike things without "like," "as," etc. |
refrain | | use of language to evoke a picture or concrete experience |
sonnet | | a word, phrase, line, or group of lines repeated several times in a poem |
ballad | | the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in language |
quatrain | | associations and emotions that have become attached to a word or phrase in addition to its definition |
imagery | | Figure of speech that makes an explicit comparison between 2 unlike things using "like," "as," etc. |
simile | | poetry that does not conform to a regular meter or rhyme scheme |
alliteration | | repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds |
ode | | expresses feelings and thoughts of the speaker instead of telling a story |
metaphor | | figure of speech that uses incredible exaggeration for effect |
rhythm | | repetition of vowel sounds in accented syllables |
connotation | | 2 consecutive rhyming lines |
couplet | | song or poem that tells a story |
rhyme | | speaker or writer's choice of words |
blankverse | | figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human thoughts, feelings, etc. |
diction | | poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter |
meter | | pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem |
onomatopoeia | | word whose sound imitates its meaning |